Constructing new bathing and dressing facility for Mozambique staff to use after removing PPE before leaving the property
Thank you for caring about the world’s most impacted! One of your FAME global partners is 1 in a Million…literally 1 in 1.2 million people; read below!
In the last months, you have resourced and supplied 133 shipments to your FAME global partners with the supplies they need to respond to the current global health crisis.
Responding to the Global health crisis is what you and FAME have done for years. But as you know, this has been an unprecedented season. One of your global partners to whom we have shipped supplies this Spring gave us this report and the end of June!
All of the patients in Nampula, (city of 1,200,000) Mozambique which need to be hospitalized are in our hospital, the only COVID treatment site other than the Capital city. At this time none of them have needed the ventilator which FAME provided. But we are just getting started. In the next few months, we expect 240,000 to contract the virus in our city. On the first day, the virus appeared in three disparate parts of the city, all of them mud hut neighborhoods. Then it took off, as I had originally expected it to do in Africa. In the first 15 days, it was multiplying with a doubling time of fewer than 3 days. Because of the explosive spread taking place in Nampula, our country rose quickly to the 8th highest position among the nations of the world in terms of the rapidity of COVID spread.
At this point, you and FAME have been able to meet the needs presented to us from your global partners. Here is part of the unknown which is to come –the majority of your global partners report that they have been overwhelmed with feeding the starving in their communities. Providing food for the most impacted has become a health crisis for partners in Asia, Africa, Central, and South America. Medical Providers have been some of the only people allowed on the roads to deliver food to remote churches.
From the reports we are receiving, these countries which have been under such serious lockdowns, the spread of the virus has been a secondary crisis. Can you continue to pray and support FAME in order for us together to be most responsive to the needs as they come to us?
You are “one in a million” to us at FAME- may be an idiom…but your impact is not- every dollar you give to FAME touches at least one of the world’s most impacted by disease and hopelessness; like this Nampula hospital which is the only one among a million!