The Lord We Preach is Stronger Than The Witch Doctor!

8-year-old Eddwell was bitten by a Puff Adder, Africa’s most deadly snake – he was dying. 

His parents, following the village witch doctor’s advice, kept him home many days – but it was now clear that Eddwell wouldn’t survive if they didn’t do something.  In near panic, they arrived at the Mashoko Christian Hospital and heard Dr. Bungu assure them, “…the Lord we preach is stronger than the witch doctor!” 

Treatments began, but more days passed before Eddwell’s parents would allow the Mashoko staff to amputate his lower leg – but this treatment and the ongoing prayers and care of the staff saved his life.

Mashoko is in Zimbabwe – but as a FAME partner, you were also there as little Eddwell received his life-saving treatment.

Because of FAME partners like you, he rested and recovered on a bed shipped to Africa by FAME.  He received an artificial leg sent by FAME.  He learned to walk on rehab equipment provided by FAME.

But most importantly, because of the care received in the name of Jesus – Eddwell and his mother both accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior!  THANK YOU FOR THE ROLE YOU PLAYED!

2021 marks FAME’s 50th year – and one thing we’ve learned for sure in that half-century – Medical evangelism works!  Your prayer and financial partnership show me that you believe it works also – so again, thank you 50 years-worth!  

Now, as we enter the next 50 years – what can we expect?  Will FAME and the services we provide still be relevant and needed?

Oh my, YES!  For our 50th it seems like a 50% increase in sending medical equipment and supplies would be a good goal – BUT so far in 2021, there’s been a 260% increase in the GLOBAL NEED and the amount you have made possible to send!  The REQUESTS FOR HELP this year have increased dramatically!

So, to you – one who clearly believes that medical evangelism matters – one who loves those without hope and without basic medical care – one who has made your FAME partnership a priority – to you, the staff and I pledge to keep doing the work you help make possible – the work of helping millions more like Eddwell all over the world!

In fact, I’m so convinced that what we are doing together matters, Kelly and I are adding to what we give financially to FAME this year.   Perhaps you would do the same.

As a faithful FAME partner, can you give a special 50th Anniversary response of $500, or can you join us as a  Monthly FAME Partner at $50 a month or more as a Special 50th Anniversary Response?

Let me tell you just a bit more about Eddwell.  Not only did he survive the deadly snake bite, but he completed his schooling at Mashoko High School and went on to study Human Resource Management at university.  Eddwell recently married and guess where he works? – Mashoko Christian Hospital as the Human Resource Officer!

So, let’s recap – a little boy in a small African village is bitten by a deadly snake and expected to die – but because 50 years ago FAME partners had a vision to help those without medical care in the name of Jesus – he lives and is working at the hospital where his life was saved.

One more time – THANK YOU FOR BEING SUCH A VITAL PART of serving Eddwell and millions more in more than 50 countries for 50 years!

Looking to the future,

Bill Warren
Executive Director                                                                

PS – 50 years of history is sobering, yet fun to ponder – but it’s no reason for you to continue your prayer and financial support.  Serving more Eddwells, however, is.  Eight-year-old boys are still bitten by snakes, parents still hesitate care, and your FAME partner doctors continue to offer life-saving care every day that opens the door for the gospel. – Thanks for considering my request.  You can Give Today at

Every Cane Has a Story

FAME receives donations of Canes.  Lots of Canes.  We also receive crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and thousands of other types of medical equipment and supplies.

Life-changing crutches being used by a young boy in Myanmar

Every cane has a story.  It was acquired at the time of need for someone here in the USA.  A dad, uncle, grandfather,   grandmother; someone needed mobility help.  Someone in the family went to Walmart or a CVS-type store and bought it.  It wasn’t expensive, it wasn’t even hard to get.  But then they no longer needed it.  Some time passed, and there was the cane or crutches.  When they are donated to FAME, they are given a new life.  They come to Indianapolis, they receive new tips or parts.  The cane rests for a while and then it goes on a long journey.  Maybe to Asia, to South America, or Ukraine- but wherever it goes, it becomes a life-changing tool for someone who has NO ACCESS to mobility equipment.  They don’t have a Walmart and many can’t afford to send someone on a journey for many days to acquire one. They probably have made something to use, but it is a wonderful thing to be a cane and help time and time again.

Do you have medical equipment or supplies you no longer need?  Go to this link and take a look at the medical equipment and supplies which can be donated to FAME.

And your “cane” can have a long life-impacting story.

Mobility donations received and being given a “new story” in the DR Congo

June Prayer Calendar

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of FAME through prayer. You continue to be a blessing to people all around the world!

This month, please continue to pray for our partners in Myanmar and India who are struggling with political unrest and the Covid virus. Pray that during this time, our ministry Partners can continue to be a light for many and that people will turn to Christ as the Great Physician.

Pray also for many of the new sustainable healthcare projects that the FAME Board of Directors approved at the last board meeting. These projects include new clinics, clinic renovations, housing for hospital staff, medical vehicles, and medical equipment. The names of the missions and the countries where the missions are located are listed on various days throughout the month. Pray that these new projects will enable our Partners to reach more people for Jesus Christ as they provide both physical and spiritual healing.

Partner with us in praying also for FAME’s Executive Director, Bill Warren as he will be visiting several FAME Partner churches in the month of June. Pray that the people he will be speaking to may be open to learning more about FAME and how God can use them in bringing help and hope to the world’s most vulnerable.

Other items of prayer for the month include the shipping of medical supplies and equipment to our mission partners at the beginning of this month and in the next few months to come. 40’ shipping containers of life-saving medical equipment and supplies are on the calendar and plan to be shipped at the rate of 1 container per month for the next 3 months. These containers will be going to the countries of DR Congo, Haiti, and Honduras. Please pray for the FAME staff and volunteers as they prepare the shipments, the mission partners who will be receiving these supplies, and ultimately the people in need to whom these supplies will be given.

Lastly, please pray for some of the African countries where FAME Partners are working and where projects have been funded, mission teams have been mobilized, or supplies and equipment have been sent. Continue using the resource Operation World, either in book form or online so that you will know how to pray for the people in each of those countries.

Thank you again for your faithful partnership with FAME through prayer.

Click here for the June Prayer Calendar.