If you walked to school as a child, you understand the situation of Jolinea and millions of people in the world.
I walked to school until sixth grade. I took the route out the back door, up an alley about a block to my school. I walked home for lunch and back in time to play on the playground. My co-worker Jeff Coon claims he did the same thing but walked further (7 blocks) and in worse weather (Michigan vs. Ohio)! You may have walked in snow, heat, uphill both ways and carried your sister J! Either way, you’ll understand this global need a little more!
Recent research of how FAME can best help the medically at-risk found that 805 million people walk more than 3 hours to receive healthcare, and 20% walk more than 24 hours! One of the studies used a “walking OPTIMAL SPEED” variable- and acknowledged that “being unwell will increase travel times” – now that’s an understatement!
Every FAME partner Clinic, Health Ministry, and Hospital shares the gospel with every patient.
That is why YOUR FAME IMPACT has Eleven (11) facilities ready or under construction to move access to healthcare and access to the gospel CLOSER TO MILLIONS of the world’s most vulnerable!
YOU help people like Jolinea every day! Jolinea was feeling pain in her abdomen, she rested hoping it would go away. The next day she was in so much pain she could barely stand, but decided to walk to a FAME partner clinic she had seen many times, but never visited. She walked only 7 blocks (notice I said, only, Jeff) and was able to be treated caringly, hear about Jesus and resolve her medical issues. Most importantly she is now attending one of the churches which is partnered with the clinic!
ONLY 7 BLOCKS FROM HER HOME WAS THE HELP AND HOPE SHE NEEDED! And she never had heard the gospel even though it was only minutes away! This is Medical Evangelism!
Together, let’s shorten the trip for more of the world’s people in great need of help and hope!
FAME and YOU together can move access to healthcare and access to the gospel closer and closer to more of the world!
Thank you for your partnership!
Bill Warren
Executive Director