Night of Hope 2023

You are invited to be surrounded by world-changers like you to celebrate a ground-breaking year breaking barriers of access to the gospel through medical evangelism!

April 15, 2023

5:00 p.m.
(doors open at 4:30 p.m.)


Join us as we celebrate a few of the thousands of stories we could tell about the miraculous impact
in nearly every time zone around the globe.

Hear and Experience the Impact of FAME like never before!

Additionally, new unprecedented opportunities will be unveiled for 2023 and beyond! The dramatic needs of the world are increasing but so are the open doors for the gospel!

  • Amazing Meal by the Famous Smokehouse Catering
  • Silent Auction – fun items from around the world
  • Special Musical Guest
    Artist:  Jason Gray

You will leave inspired!
“My Word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire!” Isaiah 55:11


Tickets are $35 per person/ $60 couple/ $240 table

February Prayer Calendar

Thank you for your partnership with FAME through prayer. We are blessed in knowing that you faithfully come alongside us, as we pray for FAME partners, volunteers, board members, staff, scholarship recipients, and other happenings in ministry.

This month, we have included on the monthly calendar our upcoming short-term mission trips.  Medical mission teams are made up of both medical professionals and non-medical team members. Both are critical to the overall team.

Please pray for the team members that have committed to participating on these trips, for others to be moved to want to serve on these trips, for our host mission partners, and for the people that will be treated. Pray that they may be open to the gospel as they are treated in the name of Jesus. If you would like more information about short-term trips, visit our website at

We also ask for prayer for our regular FAME volunteers that serve weekly in the ministry. FAME could not do all it does without the help of so many faithful volunteers. For them, we are so thankful.

In this month of February and a “month of love”, I am encouraged by the many volunteers and trip participants who because of their love for God, have decided to serve Him through the ministry of FAME. People all around the world are being treated in the name of Christ and hearing the gospel because of their service and love for others.

Over the last few weeks, the pastor of my church has taught a sermon series on the book of 1 John.  And what a chapter on love that is! The words love, loved, loves, and loving is used a total of 46 times throughout all of 1 John. Below are a few of the scriptures that speak of God’s love and the love we are to have for others.

  •  “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” – 1 John 3:1
  • “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. – 1 John 3:16
  • “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” – 1 John 3:18
  • “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God”. – 1 John 4:7
  • “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10
  • “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.” – 1 John 4:11-12
  • “We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

Thank you again for showing LOVE to the ministry of FAME and others around the world through your devotion to prayer. We truly love others when we pray for them because through our prayers we welcome God’s loving presence to move in their lives.

Blessings in the coming month!

Click Here for the February Prayer Calendar

The “C” Word Can Open The Door to The “E” Word

When terrible health news comes, a family needs hope.  In one country, a FAME partner is establishing a Cancer Treatment Center in one of their facilities.  And YOU can help.  There are no Cancer Treatment options for tens of thousands of people in their region.  Because of the cost and distance of travel, treatment just doesn’t happen for many of these people, and the only hope they have is the eternal hope in Jesus IF THEY have heard the good news!

The region in which this partner serves is aggressively persecuting and prosecuting people for Evangelism!  One of the ONLY HOPES for people to HEAR the gospel is through a direct quiet message from medical evangelists!  This Cancer Treatment facility will become a beacon of light and hope cutting through the darkness of false religion.

One thing we’ve learned from Jesus and in over 50 years of medical evangelism, is that hearts are open to the gospel in times of terrible health news!  If you’d like to help provide toward purchasing this $35,000 Cancer Facility Equipment click the Donate Button below, and Note “Cancer Equipment.”

Off the List!

Timon had been sick for many years.  He is part of what many call an “unreached people  group”. A few people in his tribal villages had heard of Jesus from traveling outside of their region but no church had been established.  A FAME partner mission had been trying to visit and make contact with them but had not found a way to connect and have folks hear the gospel.  THEN they planned a medical camp in one of Timon’s villages.  He heard they were coming but doubted that they could help him.  The morning of the medical camp he stayed home.  In the early afternoon though, Timon heard a lot of excitement in his village – a Buddhist monk was telling how he had gone to the medical camp and received care including medicine.  Timon hurried with his family to also go see what was possible for him.  He was seen by a Nurse, diagnosed, and was easily treated with 30 days of medicine for his condition.  But most important of all?  We know this story because he explains that “one of the people there told me about how Jesus may or may not be able to take away my sickness.  But that Jesus CAN take away my guilt and shame!”  Timon believed in Jesus and after his baptism, and a few others, a church was started in their people group!  They are NO LONGER ON THE UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP LIST!

Stories like Timon’s repeat in country after country because of your generosity.  One exciting thing about this story is that funds from 2022 were not used.  The ministry there is a self-sustaining FAME mission partner because funds many years ago prepared and trained the people there!  FAME still partners with them with funding on occasion like 2 current clinics for which we are raising funds, but they are self-sustaining!

If you give financially to FAME in 2023 your gifts will be used for amazing partnerships – but there will also be a story in 2 years, 5 years, or in 10 years just like Timon’s!  Your generosity in 2023 will bear fruit until Jesus returns!


January 14-26, 2025 

(**Academy Christian Church only )

Estimated Trip Cost: $3,740 

Missions: Asia Christian Services (ACS)


January 31-February 11, 2025

Estimated Trip Cost: $3570
Host Mission: Akonda Ministries
Missionaries: Nathan and Justie Wingfeld
Where: Blantyre, Malawi

Come join us as we take a FAME team to Malawi! We are very excited to be partnering with Akonda Ministries to serve at their clinic in Blantyre, Malawi.

We are seeking medical professionals such as Physicians, Nurses, PAs, NPs, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Dentists, and Optometrists in addition to the need for non-medical participants on this team. We will be treating patients in the clinic, as well as through medical outreaches into the neighboring communities.

Treating the basic health needs of people who will come seeking treatment is one of the ways our team can be used in ministry. In addition, we hope to provide preventative health education that speaks to the specific health needs of the patient,

Medical outreaches open doors for our Malawi hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team. Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in Malawi! Our hosts need encouragement as they serve the Lord each and every day in some pretty challenging conditions. We want to join them as co-workers in the ministry they have been called to do. This experience is exciting, challenging, fulfilling, emotional, and most importantly, humbling.

There are needs to be met and God’s love to be shared. Won’t you join us?

Click here for the Malawi Trip Participant Packet

Financial Deadlines:
Nov 1st $2,500
Dec 1st $535
Jan 1st $535

Meeting Dates:
Nov 12, 7pm
Dec 10, 7pm
Jan 7 7 pm
Feb 18, 7pm (post trip)

For more information, contact Mallory Fehl














March 8-15, 2025

Estimated cost: $1,720

Host: World Wide Hispanic Outreach – Drs. Esly and Sandy Fuentes

Dr. Esly Fuentes and a patient

Come join us as we take a FAME team to Mexico! We are very excited to be partnering with WWHO (World Wide Hispanic Outreach) to serve at their clinic in La Biznaga, Mexico.

We are seeking medical professionals such as Physicians, Nurses, PAs, NPs, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Dentists, and Optometrists in addition to the need for non-medical participants on this team. We will be treating patients through a series of medical outreaches into the neighboring communities.

Treating the basic health needs of people who will come seeking treatment is one of the ways our team can be used in ministry. In addition, we hope to provide preventative health education that speaks to the specific health needs of the patient,

Medical outreaches open doors for our Mexican hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team. Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in Mexico! Our hosts need encouragement as they serve the Lord each and every day in some pretty challenging conditions. We want to join them as co-workers in the ministry they have been called to do. This experience is exciting, challenging, fulfilling, emotional, and most importantly, humbling.

There are needs to be met and God’s love to be shared. Won’t you join us?


April 5-12, 2025

(**to be filled by E. 91st Street Christian Church Only)

Estimated cost: $1,660

Host: World Wide Hispanic Outreach – Drs. Esly and Sandy Fuentes

Come join us as we take a FAME team to Mexico! We are very excited to be partnering with WWHO (World Wide Hispanic Outreach) to serve at their clinic in La Biznaga, Mexico.

We are seeking medical professionals such as Physicians, Nurses, PAs, NPs, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Dentists, and Optometrists in addition to the need for non-medical participants on this team. We will be treating patients through a series of medical outreaches into the neighboring communities.

Treating the basic health needs of people who will come seeking treatment is one of the ways our team can be used in ministry. In addition, we hope to provide preventative health education that speaks to the specific health needs of the patient,

Medical outreaches open doors for our Mexican hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive

treatment from our team. Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in Mexico! Our hosts need encouragement as they serve the Lord each and every day in some pretty challenging conditions. We want to join them as co-workers in the ministry they have been called to do. This experience is exciting, challenging, fulfilling, emotional, and most importantly, humbling.

There are needs to be met and God’s love to be shared. Won’t you join us?


May 10 – 22, 2025

Estimated Trip Cost: TBD

Trip Host:  Charles Selby Memorial Hospital staff

Come join us as we take a FAME team to the Philippines!  We are very excited about partnering with the staff from the Charles Selby Memorial Hospital in Aparri.

We are seeking medical professionals such as Physicians, Nurses, PAs, NPs, Physical Therapists, Pharmacists, Dentists, and Optometrists in addition to the need for non-medical participants on this team.  We will be hosting multiple medical outreaches in local villages in and around Aparri.

Treating the basic health needs of people who will come seeking treatment is one of the ways our team can be used in ministry.  In addition, we hope to provide preventative health education that speaks to the specific health needs of the patient.

Medical outreaches open doors for our Filipino hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team.  Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed.

The medical staff from the hospital will be serving side by side with our team and we are hoping that the local pastor of each community will join us as well.

If you are a Surgeon or a Specialist, there is a place for you on this team!  The administration of the Charles Selby Hospital has expressed the need for surgeons to come. They have an anesthesiologist available for all surgeries as well as a surgical staff.

Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in the Philippines!  Our hosts need encouragement as they serve the Lord each day in some pretty challenging conditions.  We want to join them as co-workers in the ministry they have been called to do.  This experience is exciting, challenging, fulfilling, and can be emotional at times.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, humbling.

Our accommodations will be in a hotel or guest house setting. Our meals will be provided as well as the need for transportation.  English and Filipino are the official languages of the Philippines, so we will be able to communicate effectively!

There are needs to be met and God’s love to be shared.  Won’t you join us?

Meeting Dates: 

  • Feb 24, 2025, 7 pm EST
  • March 17, 2025, 7 pm EST
  • April 21, 2025, 7 pm EST
  • June 3rd, 2025, 7 pm EST


May 9-17, 2025

(**to be filled by Corban University Students only )

Estimated Cost$1960

Host Mission:  His Eyes, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Missionaries:  Felipe and Valerie Colby

We are building a team to serve with the ministry of “His Eyes” directed by Felipe and Valerie Colby located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.   Along with providing healthcare for patients in need, we are also making ourselves available to the Honduran medical staff in the area of teaching/training.  Preventative healthcare topics will also be taught to Honduran families with the purpose of promoting better healthcare in their homes.

Fungal skin infections, GI issues, respiratory illnesses, and encounters with pain are among the leading illnesses experienced by the Honduran people.  Our focus will be on those people living in rural locations of the country where healthcare is not readily accessible.

Mobile medical clinics help to open doors for national Evangelists who are called to reach people for Christ in a specific community. Illnesses are treated by the medications that are dispensed by our team, but the long-lasting treatment for all of life’s challenges lies in knowing Jesus. Mobile medical camps enhance the ministry of local Evangelists and help draw attention to the Great Physician and His healing.

For this team, we are seeking both medical and non-medical participants. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in Honduras. Our hosts need encouragement as they serve the Lord each day. We want to join them as co-workers in the ministry they have been called to do.