We were surrounded by Global Partners.

This week, I had the privilege of leading the Lake James Christian Assembly School of Missions. Because of my role, we were blessed to have each main speaker and presenter be one of your FAME global partners. There is so much I could tell, but one comment that stood out is from Dr. Zindoga Bungu of the Mashoko Christian Hospital in Zimbabwe. The Mashoko Hospital is actually the location where the vision for FAME was first expressed and actions began toward the ministry’s beginnings. Zindoga was a young man who was taken under the wing of FAME’s founders and has now become the doctor leading the team of six doctors.
Dr. Bungu told of a young girl who had developed a crisis pregnancy and, like the majority of women in that culture, first went to a local witch doctor, which worsened the situation. Eventually, she was brought to the hospital by the ambulance that you, as a FAME partner, helped to provide. She joined a dozen other mothers in waiting and watching their pregnancies closely. During that time, these mothers are taught about Jesus and healthy habits as a mom and for their newborns.
This young girl was able to be stabilized and delivered without complications.
Here’s the line from Dr. Bungu: “The mothers not only leave with a baby, they leave with Jesus.”
That is why FAME does what we do! I’m sure that is why you partner with FAME! “…(people) leaving with Jesus.”
Count me in.
How about you?
Bill Warren
Executive Director