6 lbs. at 6 months

I’m in the season of life that when I get on the scale, I hope that the numbers go down!

But the first weeks and months of a baby’s life, as you know, are the opposite. Births are announced with their weight included. We celebrate each successive appointment when they’ve gained a few ounces or pounds.

One of your FAME partners visited a village to give medical care, teach health lessons, and encourage the church planted in that village and met a young mother. She brought her child to the medical clinic and the team thought this was a newborn, only a few days old. But they came to find out that this little 6 lb. baby was 6 months old!

The care given turned the corner for little Josias! This partner is one of the great FAME partners who continue to serve among the villages they visit and they return to train leaders and continue care among the villagers.

Three (3) days ago a FAME team went back to that village and it has been 14 years since first meeting little Josias. This is him! He is strong and healthy, still enjoys balloon animals, and is a testimony of great things happening through God’s power!

Because of YOU and your support, ministries like this are able to intervene with help and hope, even for a mother and her 6 lb. child.

Thank you for your partnership!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

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