Outcasts, Angels, and You

They were not a very popular group of people. They were considered social misfits, thieves, and religious outcasts. They were considered unclean and were not able to participate in community gatherings.

I’m describing 2 groups of people; one from The Christmas Story and another from September.

The Christmas Story people spent their entire lives taking care of sheep. Their job was dangerous at times but was mostly boring and tedious. This outcast group of people is the first group to whom God announces the birth of his Son.

God dispatches an angel to this region of the world with a special announcement and invitation. Good News of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah. Luke 2:10-11

Can you remember where you were and who God sent your way to announce Jesus and invite you to follow him? Maybe you were a young child or a teenager or a young adult when you heard the life-changing message of the gospel. But consider this, God used that person at a precise time in your life to share the good news and to bring you peace.

YOU are the person partnering to deliver THE MESSAGE of Jesus to the second group! It isn’t angels who are dispatched but godly believers willing to share the GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY among even outcasts through medical evangelism.

I’m thinking about the refugees who live in temporary camps along the Myanmar and Thailand border. Both governments ignore a 5-mile-wide stretch of the border and over 2 million refugees are there fleeing for their lives from persecution and destruction of their homes and villages.

That sounds like outcasts.

But, like hundreds of other clinics FAME has funded around the world, Grace Clinic is now open and ready to serve thousands of refugees every month in Mae Sod, Thailand – on the border with Myanmar. Because of you, and people like you they are receiving loving care in the name of Jesus and then receiving an invitation to make him their Messiah!


This Christmas, Thank you for partnering to deliver THE MESSAGE of Christmas year-round to those least likely to hear. Millions of lives will be changed because of you and your generosity!

God Bless,

Bill Warren
Executive Director


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