Addicted to Generosity

Fred and Molly are two examples of FAME volunteers who seem to be addicted to generosity.

Every week there are people who come and sort, count, pack, and ship medical equipment. Sometimes a crew is testing medical equipment to make sure it works perfectly, others will build crates to ship medical equipment. But no matter what, they are touching items that will save a life.

Every month there are small groups that arrive at the FAME warehouse and do some of the same things the weekly folks do! This week one of those people who traveled an hour to serve said, “It’s almost as if I can’t help myself- I’m hooked on helping every month!” They continued, “I’ve volunteered in many places and ways over the years; but there’s something special about FAME! Knowing that each supply I prepared will travel thousands of miles this year and someone will have surgery or be treated in a lifesaving way! You can’t measure that value.”

I couldn’t agree more. Yearly there are so many who travel globally to directly support your FAME global partners treating people in the name of Jesus.

But I mentioned Fred and Molly (in the picture above); they deliver supplies from Florida every few months! This last week they arrived with a brand new truck and trailer (twice the size of their last one) that others joined them to acquire for the purpose of bringing donations to FAME!

All of these people and those like you who financially partner with FAME remind me of when Paul said, “The love of Christ compels us!”

Thank you for your partnership! And we are so thankful for those who make it possible to provide not just treatment, but the cure! The eternal cure that comes from the gospel!











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