No Longer an Idol Worshipper

Patrick grew up in an African family that sacrificed animals as idol worshippers to “cleanse” them from any offense against the idol. He ended up in a conversation with the Director of FAME clinics in his country. Your FAME partner shared the story of how God demonstrated His love for man by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Patrick understood the power of sacrifice because he had watched his uncle sacrifice many animals to an idol in their family house.

Our partner there shares that he asked Patrick how many times he thinks they would need to sacrifice to an idol to have all of their sins truly forgiven. He responded that he had no idea, but many! Learning that Jesus paid the ultimate price for his sins, Patrick decided to follow Jesus and now many of his family are no longer idol worshippers.

When you partner with FAME, you release the power of God to be spoken by your FAME global partners. Being a witness through medical evangelism opens the door in communities where hearts might not be open to the gospel. Treating people in the name of Jesus is one way to soften their hearts and earn a hearing in a community.

Thank you for your partnership that turns some of the most unlikely people away from hopelessness to hope!

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