August Prayer Calendar

Dear FAME Prayer Partner,

Thank you for your continued partnership with FAME through your prayers for the ministry. We are blessed in knowing that you come alongside us with your faithful prayers for FAME board members, volunteers, mission partners, shipments, scholarship recipients, the staff, or church visits or events each month.

This month, with so many of the kids going back to school, we ask that you partner with us in praying for our 9 FAME scholarship recipients who are studying to become medical professionals in their home countries. These Christian students all desire to serve God through their medical professions. Each of these students are sponsored by a FAME Partner mission and are in the countries of Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, India, and Haiti.

Also, please pray for a medical team of 5 midwives and doulas that will be serving in Kenya with Entepesi Ministry the first week of August. The team is a collection of providers who specialize in women’s health, midwifery, and babies. They will be focused on training local midwives in Kenya who treat women in remote villages.

And then mid-month we have another short-term mission team that will be serving with Central Brazil Mission. This team of 12 participants will be serving on a boat trip along the Amazon River. They will be docking at multiple remote villages along the river and will treat patients both physically and spiritually. Patients will make their way on board the boat to be seen by medical professionals on the team.

The scripture used in this month’s prayer calendar is Hebrews 1:10-12. It reads, In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment, they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end. NIV

How wonderful and encouraging it is to know that our Lord, Jesus, is eternal and never changes. May you be blessed by his never-ending love for you!

Thank you once again for your faithfulness and your partnership in prayer for FAME.

Blessings in the coming month,

Click here for the August Prayer Calendar

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