How Long Do You Have?

We all are clock watchers. We like to know what time it is, how much time until our next activity, how much time is left in the school play, we just like to know how much time we have!

When we think about why FAME does what FAME does – time is of the essence.

One of your FAME partners works specifically with the Maasi people in Kenya – and FAME is currently raising funds to remodel a clinic in their region. This clinic is critical for the future of their people because the Maasi people have a life expectancy of only 45 years.

For the Christians in the community that means a real lack of elderly wisdom and leadership. It means there is a gap of grandparents and great-grandparents influencing the next generation with the gospel. The facility is active in health education in the schools and villages and is a top-performing facility in the country!

This Health Centre is changing the landscape for the Maasi people! As a matter of fact, the Talek Health Center which is located at the northeastern entrance to the world-famous Maasi Mara National Reserve was just recognized by the Kenyan Government as the “best-improved facility in management against 16 facilities both in government and private organizations.”

Please pray for FAME as we rally support for this clinic project. Please pray for Community Health Partners in Kenya as they care for the Maasi People with healthcare and the gospel – extending life expectancy and generational impact!

When you say “Yes!” to FAME

You send treatment and the cure…

…so more people say “Yes!” to Jesus!

Thank you for your partnership

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