FAME is sending help and hope in the name of Christ to the world’s most vulnerable through medical evangelism.

Vision Statement
To be a Global Leader in evangelism through healthcare.
Core Values:
- Evangelism – Taking Christ to the unreached and underserved by integrating spiritual and physical healing
- Compassion – Sending medical supplies and facilities for the developing world
- Empowerment – Training and encouraging nationals to become healthcare providers and educators
- Sustainability – Promoting health through disease prevention and community development
- Partnership – Creating relationships with missionaries and indigenous churches in medical evangelism
Core Activities:
- GIVE: Supporting sustainable (healthcare) projects
- Sending medical supplies and medicine
- GO: Mobilizing short term trips
FAME's Statement of Faith:
Statement of Faith
We believe the scriptures to be the inspired word of God.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived among men, was crucified for our redemption and rose the third day for our justification. We believe that He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will know no end.
We believe that the church is the body of Christ on earth and consists of all those who have accepted His grace and have been born of water and the spirit. We believe the church is a divine institution to which God has committed the message of reconciliation for all nations. We believe that we are saved by grace through faith. That salvation is appropriated through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance from sin, and baptism into Christ for the remission of sins. We believe that it is our duty to value all human life, which God has created in His own image, and to alleviate pain and disease by providing medical assistance to those who are suffering. Because of our high regard for human life, FAME does not participate in abortion or proactive taking of human life.
FAME's History:
On November 10, 1970, Judge Milford Anness, an original founder, walked into the courthouse in Columbus, Indiana, and left carrying the official incorporation documents for the Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism. The vision for FAME actually began years earlier, in the heart of Dr. Dennis Pruett, who foresaw a medical mission organization that would reach around the world.
FAME’s first mission project was in India with missionary, Art Morris. Dr. Pruett and Judge Anness visited Madrapakkam and agreed to build a hospital, principally for the 35,000 lepers in south India. Dr. Bob Reeves joined FAME as its Executive Director, to complete that project and help find the funding needed to build and equip the hospital.
Bob served FAME until his death in 1999. During his two decades of leadership, FAME grew from struggling to build one hospital in India, to an organization that helped build 70 facilities in 29 countries around the world – hospitals, clinics, feeding centers, church buildings, housing for medical staff, and mobile medical units. During Bob’s last year of life, FAME saw a new church planted somewhere in the world every other day, and over 10,000 people came to Christ.
In 2001, FAME moved to Indianapolis, and first located on the campus of Kingsway Christian Church. Later, under the leadership of Rick Wolford, FAME moved to the warehouse at the present location on Southeastern Avenue.
In 1970 FAME operated out of a borrowed office on the second floor in Columbus, Indiana. It had no income, no staff, no donors, and no projects. It has now touched every corner of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1970, its workers were all volunteers – Americans with a heart for Jesus. FAME still relies on strong partnerships, from volunteers, churches, businesses, medical facilities to our mission partners around the globe. With God’s blessing we all come together to be successful.
In 2012, Bill Warren began as Executive Director as FAME continues to grow and expand to meet the growing health care needs around the world and the spreading of the Gospel message to all people.
FAME is focusing, in new ways, on the global mission field to establish long-term sustainable results. It’s a new day at FAME! Together with you, we are partners in medical evangelism. FAME continues to look forward, as we preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick until Jesus’ return!