Are You Helping Haiti?

Our staff is asked this often. “Are you able to do anything right now in Haiti?”

And often the follow-up question is, “How can I help?”

The first answer is “Yes!”

You have many FAME partners who are quietly serving in Haiti, even in the midst of turmoil.  I am not going to name any of them for their own safety, but yesterday I learned something new!

Food insecurity is listed as one of the current tragedies in Haiti, and children are at great risk. Through a series of events here in Indiana, FAME has received multiple pallets of Infant Formula! This is not a normal “medical” or “health” solution, but malnutrition leads to some of the most serious health problems in children. The amazing thing is that one of your FAME partners in Haiti has a quiet, trusted way to ship and deliver the medical equipment AND the Infant Formula which is such a critical need! (BTW a pallet of Infant Formula contains 1000 containers of Formula)

The answer to the second question, “How can I help?” is two part.

1. Pray. Pray for Haiti, and pray for YOUR FAME partners in Haiti, there are 16.

Pray for shipments to arrive at their destination, Pray for Haitians to find Jesus through medical evangelism!

2. Partner. Keep Partnering with FAME. It can be volunteering in Indy, going on a Short-Term Trip, collecting and sending medical equipment and supplies to FAME, or financially partnering with FAME.

When you give to the “Yes!” Fund, you don’t need to designate to Haiti, to help Haiti – the daily work at FAME has supported 63 Mission Partners this year- Haiti included. Partnering with us changes the world!

Infant Formula. One more way God provides to meet the needs of the world’s most vulnerable. If you think this story is amazing…wait until you read next week’s!

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