2025 Night Of Hope

Purchase Your Tickets Here

Join us for the FAME Banquet, Seeds of Hope, to support sustainable medical evangelism. Your generosity will help fund FAME partners serving vulnerable communities. Together, we can bring life-changing healthcare and spiritual support to those in need. Enjoy a night of fellowship, purpose, and seed planting!

Executive Director, Bill Warren, with Simon from Asia Christian Services








Silent Auction – fun items from around the world!






*If you would like to donate an item to the Silent Auction, contact Mary Asante at masante@fameworld.org or complete the form below.

Impact Like the Shepherds – Characters of Christmas

I like the Shepherds! After seeing and hearing from the angels, the shepherds in Luke 2 hurried to find Jesus. Their response to Jesus is most amazing, and the exact reason medical evangelism works!

The shepherds “reported the message they were told about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them…. They returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had seen and heard.”

That’s why medical evangelism works; people see and hear the love of Jesus- the good news.

Jonathon lived in a family and community that did not follow Jesus. In fact they lived in a anti-christian community. But for his whole childhood Jonathon had heard about Jesus from being invited to VBS, and missionaries, and the few Christians in his community. As an adult he experienced a life threatening snake bite and went to a FAME partner clinic in the village near his own. Here’s his story in his own words:

My whole life I have had Christians tell and tell me about this Jesus. I believed he was a historical person, and probably a good man, but I had no interest in him. THEN I was at the clinic and the people there treated me differently than I had ever been treated. They were caring, loving, and happy! Even though I was a different religion than them, they still treated me, and treated me well. My families religion, we only treat our own people well. So when I was nearing my release and the doctor asked me if I knew about Jesus, and told me about him…I was interested, because I had seen and heard the gospel in the Christians who cared for me there! I now am following Jesus because of the staff at that clinic.

That is medical evangelism. Telling and Showing the good news!

Thank you for your partnership that allow FAME to partner with thousands who share the good news by showing and telling! So that the love of Christ can be seen and heard.

Responsive Like Joseph – Characters of Christmas

I am always impressed with Joseph. His first response at the knowledge that Mary was with child was one of questioning and understanding. BUT when he heard the message from the angel, he was responsive.

Questions are normal, but because of partners like YOU, this birth on Christmas Day brought an amazing response!

Vilya and her husband were responsive too. In their country, their family celebrated Christmas by exchanging gifts. As she was expecting her first child, Vilya and her husband arrived at the newly opened FAME Mother/Child Clinic on Christmas Eve, ready to welcome their baby. After the birth of their beautiful boy, the hospital chaplain spoke with them and asked what they thought about their son sharing a birthday with Jesus.They didn’t know who Jesus was.

The chaplain found out that they celebrated Christmas by giving and receiving gifts but had no idea about the gift of life that could only be found in Jesus! They had never known why they celebrated Christmas, and that Christ was the name of a baby being celebrated each year! Last I heard, they were attending church and seeking to learn more about this baby Jesus who shared a birthday with their son. Your partnership with FAME brings responses like Joseph’s in the lives of thousands every week!

Thank you for your partnership in the past. If you’d like to know more about a current opportunity to help people like Vilya and her husband you can click HERE !

How many people are Thankful for you?

I don’t know exactly how many people are thankful for you…but I can give you some numbers to start with!

  • 87 received Surgeries at Peredo Christian Hospital in Haiti last year
  • 383 had Surgeries in Mashoko Hospital in Zimbabwe so far this year
  • 3765 patients were treated at Charles Selby Hospital in the Philippines last year
  • 7,109 patients visit Jacmel Haiti in 2023
  • 14 people received ultrasound scans when a team from this Philippines Hospital took a two-hour drive from the hospital to Marag Valley, carrying their supplies, walked for 20 minutes to reach a boat. Then it was a 45-minute boat ride to reach the destination.
  • 1 little weak eight year old girl who had a 105 degree fever when being carried onto the Medical Mission Boat on the Amazon River was treated with antibiotic and ibuprofen

These are just a few thousand of the people I know who are THANKFUL FOR YOU! There are others directly around your daily life too, but when you partner with FAME financially, over 2 Million People are Thankful for you every year!

You are FAME, and they are grateful for ALL THAT FAME does for the nearly 80 global partners annually.

Seeing the Future

When I am planning for the next year or so, sometimes I wish I could see the future. John did.

He saw “…every tribe and language and people and nation….” Seven times he recorded that they would be part of the Kingdom of God in the book of Revelation.

One thing I know about the future is that YOU are part of reaching every tribe and language and people and nation when you partner with FAME ! If the Lord allows, next year will be similar to this year;

  • teams will travel to countries to open doors for the gospel
  • medical equipment and supplies will be shipped to support global partners
  • scholarships will be given to students serving with a FAME global partner
  • grants will be given to sustainable projects to provide access to healthcare where there is limited access to healthcare and the gospel currently

Impact will occur among every tribe and language and people and nation!






That is what the future holds! One place we’d like to see a sustainable project finished is with a highly evangelistic partner who is building a Clinic “for children, moms, dads, and their families that will be a HUB for reaching people in this region with the gospel. Delivering high quality patient centered healthcare will draw patients from all over opening the door for evangelism.” They presented FAME with plans having the following headings:

  • On Site Evangelism
  • Follow Up of New Converts
  • Recurring On-site Evangelism
  • Gospel literature campaign
  • Off-Site Evangelism and Community Outreach

When I think about next year and the future I am grateful for YOU and the global partners who are reaching every tribe and language and people and nation by intentional Medical Evangelism. When you partner with FAME in the last two months of 2024, you are supporting the fulfillment of the vision Jesus gave to John in the book of Revelation.

It Works! Part 2

Some FAME partners are brand new in 2024 as your impact grows and increases around the globe. But other FAME partners have been connected for decades, and their influence is astonishing!

One such partner has established many clinics across their country. Each location is remote, requiring half a day to a full day to travel between them, not only because of the distance but also due to the poor road conditions—if you can even call them roads. These clinics serve as true outposts of the gospel in predominantly Muslim communities. On a recent visit by one of our FAME staff members, they observed that every church building connected to most of the clinics (either on the property or adjacent) was solidified or built after the establishment of the clinic. Each building, a hut-like structure, currently holds around 100 people for services. However, at more than one of these sites, construction is underway for simple but larger church buildings that will accommodate 500+ people for a service!

Each clinic has a chaplain who is the pastor of the church or a pastor in the church! The founder of this mission – whom I will name and identify next week in “Part Two” said the quote above on the subject line. It is from the middle of this sentence, Why do we partner with FAME? Because Medical Evangelism…it works! For sharing the gospel and church planting.

It Works! Part 1

Some FAME partners are brand new in 2024 as your impact grows and increases around the globe. But other FAME partners have been connected for decades, and their influence is astonishing!

One such partner has established many clinics across their country. Each location is remote, requiring half a day to a full day to travel between them, not only because of the distance but also due to the poor road conditions—if you can even call them roads. These clinics serve as true outposts of the gospel in predominantly Muslim communities. On a recent visit by one of our FAME staff members, they observed that every church building connected to most of the clinics (either on the property or adjacent) was solidified or built after the establishment of the clinic. Each building, a hut-like structure, currently holds around 100 people for services. However, at more than one of these sites, construction is underway for simple but larger church buildings that will accommodate 500+ people for a service!

Each clinic has a chaplain who is the pastor of the church or a pastor in the church! The founder of this mission – whom I will name and identify next week in “Part Two” said the quote above on the subject line. It is from the middle of this sentence, Why do we partner with FAME? Because Medical Evangelism…it works! For sharing the gospel and church planting.

Excellence Recognized Nationwide

You have heard FAME say over and over, “Lack of Access to Healthcare, Lack of Access to the Gospel” because of the remote areas where FAME partners serve.

Recently one worker at one of those remote clinics was recognized nationally in all of Ghana.

Ruth was serving in her own small way at the FAME Clinic at Tatindo, Ghana; little did she know that her efforts would be recognized nationwide.

Ruth Ampomah is a passionate and hardworking Midwifery Officer with 7 years of working experience serving deprived and hard-to-reach communities.

Ruth received an award at the 3rd annual Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards Ceremony. This award is no mere feat and is a testament of hard work, diligence and dedication to service.

Ruth Ampomah has achieved a lot in terms of maternal healthcare delivery but the most impactful ones include reducing unsafe home deliveries from over 80% to almost 10% in 2022!

This is significant because there was a crisis: The Maternal Mortality Rate dropped in Ghana from an average of 240-337 per 100K people in 2010 – 2020 to 0 (zero) in 2021 and 2022 in part because of workers like Ruth and others like her at the 9 FAME partner clinics in Ghana.

She relates well with the women and encourages their husbands to provide basic items like baby dresses, sanitary items, and others to their wives at the point of delivery and this motivates every pregnant woman and gives a desire to always want to deliver at the facility. She quickly learned the culture of the people, got associated with them, became a life coach to the young girls and used the opportunity for education and the gospel and reduced teenage pregnancy drastically.

The deprived nature of the communities in most parts of the Northern region is recognized by the government in the title of the award and Ruth has been honored for her work!

These are your FAME partners! When we think of the people you are supporting and encouraging through your partnership – it is

FAME Director of Mission Resources, Barry Reed and and the staff of the GCM Tatindo Clinic

hard-working people like Ruth!

Thank you for your impact and partnership!

Trip to the Hospital Worse Than the Initial Injury

Typhoon Odette hit the Philippines in December of 2021 destroying the homes of 12 million people and becoming the second costliest typhoon in Philippine History. Obviously, homes were only part of the destruction, as community services, structures, and infrastructure were also destroyed.

On the island of Bohol, the Village of Hope Orphanage had begun construction on a clinic prior to Typhoon Odette. While this remote area did have a government health center, the orphanage saw an opportunity not only to provide healthcare for their children but also to share the good news of Jesus with the community.

Both the government Barangay Health Center and the construction of the Village of Hope clinic were damaged in the typhoon. As a result, the orphanage and the community were left without access to healthcare, except for a two to three-hour trip, depending on road conditions and mountainous terrain!

Edlyn, the brother of an orphanage volunteer, had suffered a life-threatening injury and was unconscious, rapidly losing blood. It was very late at night when a friend threw Edlyn over the back of his motorcycle, successfully taking him to the hospital three hours away.

Unknown to the friend driving the motorcycle, unconscious Edlyn’s bare feet were dragging the ground for the full three-hour drive, and upon arrival at the Emergency room the situation was even more serious than before.

THIS LACK OF ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE is exactly why you are such an important partner to FAME. No one should be so far from care that the journey is worse than the initial injury.

The Village of Hope Clinic is going to be rebuilt in a couple of phases! The need is even greater than before the Typhoon because the government has no plans to rebuild the Health Center. This clinic will become a beacon of hope for the orphans and will remain sustainable by providing essential services to the community. The FAME “Yes!” Fund will be sending funds for Phase One soon, which will grant access to treatment and THE cure!

You will be glad to know that even though Edlyn did lose some toes, he didn’t lose his life. Your FAME partner reports:
Our staff was able to join the volunteer in visiting Edlyn (her brother) in the hospital. The incident opened the door to several important spiritual conversations. Edlyn still struggles with the idea of forgiveness and grace, but several good conversations have since happened. He seems several steps closer to the cross than he was before. His children, however, have since fallen in love with Jesus.

You can see how important your partnership is to people like Edlyn.

You can see how important FAME’s partnerships with our global partners is to people like Edlyn and his children!

I am so thankful for you and for the way the “Yes! Fund” is continually being funded to meet needs and requests like the Village of Hope Clinic.

Thank you for your partnership!

Denied. You won’t hear about this injustice on the news…

Right now there are some places that are, and have become, exceedingly dangerous to be a Christian involved in evangelism.

Recently there have been some very public reports of persecution and threats against Christian leaders for Evangelism at Hospitals in one specific country, but that country and leader are not alone.

There are so many more! On an international trip I took not that long ago, the FAME partners in one country were so cautious about my visit drawing attention that some cancelled my visit. Others made detailed, distracting schedules and even had me come in the wee hours of the morning! But here is why: They are active in Evangelism and don’t want that to be hindered or interrupted!

This is how serious this persecution has become. My co-worker Jeff was recently with a potential FAME partner who has a vision for a clinic added to their church planting through a Business as Missions model. This husband and wife team deeply desires serving their people with a clinic. When Jeff asked, “Are one of you a Medical Provider” They looked at one another, and tears welled up in her eyes. He is a Pastor, businessman, and Evangelist, and they knew that if she could become a Nurse or even a Medical Doctor it would accelerate their impact. She said, “We want to do as Jesus did and heal people, while telling them the good news. I finished my Nursing and realized that it was not that much longer, in comparison to eternity, to complete medical school, (there in the country we are speaking of) so I pursued my full Medical Doctor License.”

She completed medical school with honors, but the administration refused to grant her a diploma because she wouldn’t deny Christ. She shared, “They guaranteed, that if at any time I would deny my faith in Jesus, that the diploma and Medical License would be mine. I can’t do that. So now we wait on the Lord to open different and new doors.”

I don’t know if they will become a FAME partner, BUT I DO KNOW God is at work even when His people are at risk. There are dozens of current FAME partners treating people in the name of Jesus, and trusting God that the good news they share will penetrate the culture and countries where they serve!

Because of you, the gospel is on the move.

  • Pray for FAME partners around the globe.
  • Pray for FAME partners in countries where you have heard of persecution.
  • Pray for new believers to remain faithful as they grow under pressure.
  • Pray for shipments of medical supplies and equipment so that we are able to get into difficult locations.
  • Pray for the continued construction and remodeling of 5 facilities in one of the most difficult cultures in our time.

Thank you for allowing me to be vague to protect dozens of your FAME global partners – but also want to encourage you that THE GOSPEL IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE! Your FAME partners are not just providing treatment but the cure that only comes from Jesus!

Bill Warren
Executive Director