O Little Town of…..

Five Hundred residents or less, maybe up to 1,000 lived there; but it was a “little” town.  Not little in importance really, just little.  King David had come from there.  Shepherds who cared for the sacrificial sheep of Bethlehem functioned in the hills around there.  Prophets spoke of this little town.

But Bethlehem has similarities to small towns that are served by your FAME partners every day around the world.

  • Small
  • Limited services (only one Inn in Bethlehem)

But because of you, JESUS arrives in these little towns quietly and humbly.

He came to Bethlehem with a young couple needing a place to give birth.

He comes to thousands of small towns around the world with global partners who use Health Care, quietly and humbly, to share the gospel to young couples who need a place to give birth, parents who have a sick child, injured people who need to be treated, and 2 Million others THIS YEAR!

Your partnership BRINGS JESUS TO LITTLE TOWNS!  Thank you for your generosity!  No small town is unimportant, and you bring help and hope every time you give to FAME!

Merry Christmas!

Bill Warren
Executive Director


E in FAME = Good News That Will Cause Great Joy!

Guravamma was a sweet, but illiterate woman who brought a number of family members to a FAME partner clinic over a period of many years.  She admired how the co-founder of the clinic, Lois Rees, cared for her family.  From cleaning wounds and whatever was needed Lois’ servant’s heart and clear communication of the message of Jesus caused Guravamma to become a Christian.

Guravamma never did learn how to read, but she memorized the stories and Scripture she learned.  Your FAME partner learned that groups of people visited her in the evening for prayer for their diseases & problems.  She listened and told whatever she knew about Jesus.  This opened up evangelism in a new unreached people group in their area, the Irukula/Yerukula people!

This reminds me of the Shepherds who heard the Great News that will cause Great Joy from the angels and had seen Jesus. Luke records “…they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child.”

They didn’t have evangelism training to be able to spread the word.

Neither do many of the patients like Guravamma who are treated and hear the gospel at your FAME partner clinics and hospitals – but many of them spread the word about Jesus!

The door was opened to evangelize an unreached people group because of one woman who couldn’t read!

The “E” in FAME stands for Evangelism – the Good News that will cause Great Joy!!

Thank you for making this possible because of your partnership!

No Room In The……..

Expecting their first child, this mother and father traveled over 30 miles on foot to reach the place they expected to have their baby.  But there was no room for them in the clinic

Because of your generosity, there are many Maternity Centers, Mother and Child Centers, and Midwifery centers, around the world. But because of QUALITY CARE, these evangelism and healthcare facilities have become in high demand and very popular in their communities!  Many of them were constructed years ago and were able to handle one, two, or three patients at a time. Now many of them need three times that many beds!

This is Dr. John Diing in South Sudan in the old outdated Delivery room – Because of you FAME has funded a new 9- bed facility that will begin construction ASAP!

NOW your help is needed in Ghana! Pictured below is when I met with leaders at the Makango Clinic in Ghana in September.  This clinic was started a number of years ago and has been on hold because of a lack of funding.  They are extremely limited on the number of deliveries they can handle each week.

This new Mother & Child Center will triple their capacity and make it possible to care for the over 1000 expected deliveries every year!

The situation of No Room in the Inn led to the birth of Jesus in an obscure location in Bethlehem.  No room for deliveries puts mothers and children at risk nearly every day around the world – but in the last 2 years YOU have helped us make upgrades and provide ambulances for the safe delivery of babies.  This opportunity in Ghana is a great chance to make a difference in a region with few other options.  One church has committed significantly to help with this project, but much more is needed.  

If you would like to help FAME fund this Makango Clinic expansion, you can do so by choosing Project Fund when making your donation. Note: Ghana.   Donate Now.

Click Here to Watch a video about Makango




December Prayer Calendar

As 2022 comes to a close, we reflect upon the lives that have been changed around the world through medical evangelism this year, especially those that have had no access to healthcare. We also reflect on our many blessings, you being one of our greatest blessings, as you faithfully support the ministry of FAME through your prayers for the staff, the FAME Board of Directors, scholarship students, volunteers, missionary partners, and other partners in ministry.     

During the month of December, we ask that you join us in prayer for many of our Mission Partners who humbly give of themselves, as they minister to people in their communities around the world. These partners are either hosts to our mission teams, missions where we have provided a grant for a sustainable healthcare project, or are a partner mission to whom we have sent much-needed medical supplies. We also would like you to join us in prayer for some local mission organizations here in the US with whom we partner. It is such a blessing to have so many with who we can partner to share the love of Christ through medical evangelism.

Merry Christmas and Blessings to you and yours,

The FAME Staff

Click Here for the December Prayer Calendar

Houses Built in One Week

You won’t find the term “refugee” in the Bible.  But the Word of God has plenty to say about people called “strangers” and “sojourners” or “foreigners” and God’s heart for them!  This little boy had a head wound from a government attack on their village.  The FAME partner medical team there treated, bandaged and cared for him!

Displaced Burmese are now living along the Myanmar/Thailand border – over 1 Million people now live along this nearly 1500-mile border who are displaced!  One of your FAME partners is actively serving these Internally Displaced People – or Refugees.  They build simple homes, (pictured here) and just do what it takes to live in this safe zone.

The Medical team with this partner helped this young mother who was bombed out of her home and had to leave her village deep in the valleys of the mountains (that’s her above looking back at her village).  These refugees are in great need of help and hope.  They have so much instability that this partner is building a permanent clinic that will impact generations on the border that will be central to 20,000 of these refugees who need this care.  The goal is to build this quality Clinic, as a care center that will be a place of access to healthcare that will give access to the gospel! The good news of Jesus is spreading among these refugees, from FAME partner to patient, person to person, tribe to tribe – God loves the Refugee!

No More Eating Rocks!

“I’d read about it in textbooks during nursing school, but never thought I’d witness it!”

On a short-term medical mission trip to one of your FAME partners in Kenya, this nurse experienced something about which she had only read in textbooks.  A woman came to the clinic for the first time after seeking many solutions from village witch doctors and African traditional remedies.  She was weak and barely able to come into the clinic, but a Christian in her tribal group brought her to this Clinic!

The nurse mentioned above began to ask questions and notice her condition.  Anemic, internal bleeding, broken teeth, and severe pain in her abdomen didn’t help the nurse identify anything she recognized.  The Nurse Practitioner resident of the clinic came in and asked a few more questions.  Much to the surprise of the Short-Term Trip Nurse, the woman was experiencing, “Geophagy.”

Which as I heard the story, didn’t help me at all either!  Geophagy is the eating of rocks and soil!  Rocks are even sold in Kenyan markets called “odowa.”  This terrible practice can introduce parasites, puncture internal tissue, cause bleeding, liver damage, kidney damage, and as you can imagine – destroyed teeth!

Your FAME partner clinic Nurse Practitioner, according to the visiting nurse, “changed the woman’s life in 20 minutes.”  Because not only did she give her options for the minerals her body was craving by introducing her to a better diet and some simple vitamin supplements, she was introduced to the Jesus who gives hope to the hopeless!

When you partner with FAME, you set up many situations where “20 minutes can change someone’s life!”  Here are some direct ways you can help:

  • Praying for God to provide Christians in villages to evangelize their neighbors like this woman.
  • Collect Vitamins FAME sends to your global partners – Click HERE for a link of what to collect
  • Go on Short-Term Trips – we need NON-medical and medical people on our teams!
  • Financially support FAME to empower global partners to use 20 minutes to save lives! 

Thank you for your partnership, changing lives, even in 20 minutes!

Lawrence, Who is 7….

Lawrence, an active and spirited 7-year-old, fell and seriously cut his arm. The West African village where his family lives traditionally treats cuts like this with herbs and dirty bandages.  Soon, Lawrence developed an infection from the treatment given and became very sick and lethargic. His family made the decision to bring him to a FAME partner’s clinic.
When the family arrived at the clinic, the medical staff saw that not only had the infection spread, but the original care given was to sew his wound with a yarn-like thread.  The nurse, Lindsey, who told the story to FAME staff recently, removed the yarn, cleaned the wound, and gave Lawrence antibiotics.  She explained to his parents how infection begins and how to keep the wound clean.

What reminded me about your impact in the story is when Lindsey explained to the family that the clinic gives care in the name of Jesus and that they could come anytime with little or no cost for care, because they want to bring the Hope of Jesus to this West African community. 

Lindsey shared that they use equipment and supplies from FAME every day!  Children like Lawrence, as well as adults, learn about love and hear the good news of Jesus, because of YOU!  

Thank you for your partnership!

November Prayer Calendar

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry of FAME through prayer. You continue to be a blessing to people all around the world!

This month we have several conferences that we will be attending. Two of the conferences will be in Louisville, KY; the TECH (Technical Exchange for Christian Healthcare) Conference on November 9 and the GMHC (Global Missions Health Conference) November 10-12. Please pray that God will direct the conversations at these conferences and that some partnerships can be developed with people from all over the world. These conferences are great opportunities where God can bring people together! 

One other conference/convention we will be attending is ICOM (the International Conference on Missions) November 3-5 in Columbus, OH. For more information about ICOM or to register for the convention visit www.theicom.org. This is a great place for us to connect with our mission partners around the world. 

Please also pray this month for some of our faithful volunteers that help us with our mission of sending help and hope in the name of Christ to the world through medical evangelism. They are a blessing to not only the staff and board of FAME, but also to our mission partners around the world and the people to whom they are ministering.

Other items of prayer for the month include:

  • The FAME Staff
  • Planning for the next Night of Hope scheduled for April 15, 2023, at Plainfield Christian church. Continue to watch the website at www.fameworld.org/2023-night-of-hope for updates.
  • Church visits that Bill Warren and Jeff Coon will be making.
  • FAME Mission partners around the world, especially those in India, Ukraine, and Haiti currently experiencing persecution, violence, war, and political unrest.
  • Our US Veterans who have served and who are currently serving (Veterans Day November 11).

Blessings in the coming month and may you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Click HERE for the November Prayer Calendar

Sketch Isn’t Where it Starts

Alejandro hadn’t been feeling well.  His family didn’t know why he had been unable to eat, unable to go to work, or even walk across the room.  They sent word to a FAME partner, who sent an ambulance to bring Alejandro to the hospital where he was diagnosed, treated, cared for, heard the gospel, and was back home doing wonderful within the week!  He began attending the church connected to the hospital the next Sunday.

How did this happen?  Someone had a vision. A vision of a place to treat people as Jesus did and tell them the gospel.

  • Alejandro was picked up by an Ambulance you helped provide.
  • Transported to a facility you helped to fund.
  • Diagnosed with equipment, you made it possible to ship to the hospital.
  • Rested and recovered on a bed your partnership helped to send to that country.
  • Heard the gospel because of your FAME partners who know spiritual healing is greater than physical healing.

How did this happen?  Someone had a vision. A vision of a place to do all those things.

Antonio met with me to share their vision for a facility that will do just that- treat people as Jesus did and tell them the gospel.
And here is the drawing Antonio presented to me.

A dome?  Oh my, I thought.

But I’ve learned that the vision behind the drawings is more important than the drawings!  It might not look like much or possible, on paper – but I am pleasantly surprised time and time again by the care given by our global partners for their facilities, AND THEN for their vision and mission!

When I went to the building dedication ceremony I was blown away as I stood and looked up at the brickwork for this dome!  Zoom in on it- look at the detail!

That care and detail will ALSO BE HOW YOUR FAME PARTNERS CARRY OUT THEIR VISION AND MISSION for medical evangelism.

2 Million people in 2022 will hear the gospel while being treated in the name of Jesus because of:
1)    Mission – following Jesus’ example of healing and the good news!
2)    Vision – to treat people in their own communities who are underserved and have no one showing the gospel OR telling them the gospel!
3)    Your partnership!

A sketch isn’t where it starts- it’s vision, mission, and you!

Thank you for your partnership that makes it possible for vision, to be communicated by a sketch, and be fulfilled in touching the lives of the world’s most vulnerable with care and compassion!

Bedridden For 2 Years

I received the report that follows from a FAME partner which is growing a substantial church in the Himalayan foothills using an Ambulance for Medical Evangelism!  The report was included in a request for partnership with FAME to build a clinic for their village and valley.

The “Rough Sketch of Clinic” included might make most people concerned that the partners didn’t have a well-thought-out plan – but next week I will tell you a story that will show you why I love sketches like this from your FAME global partners!

“India, no doubt is a secular and democratic country. However, persecution of Christian workers is taking place every day. Additionally, the tribal communities of NE India are conservative and people belonging to other faiths are unwelcome to the evangelists and preachers from the Christian churches. But when we approach them and visit their villages as health providers they warmly welcome us and accept us to share whatever we have to say and teach them. In this way medical evangelism is one of the greatest tools to outreach those well-guarded communities and we have the opportunity to pray for them and show the Gospel of Christ as we provide medical treatment for them.

Miss. L. Y. aged 14, was bedridden for 2 years in a remote village in the valley with a rare kind of infection in her leg. By the time we evacuated her she almost lost her leg. After we provided treatment for her in a city hospital, now she can walk and play with her friends and now she goes to school by herself. She, her parents, and siblings have become close to Christ now.”

This new facility will allow this ministry in N.E. India, in the Himalayan foothills, to be an even greater light in the darkness. The city hospital was hours of travel away!  This new clinic will be in the heart of a valley that the church is reaching with the message of Jesus.  A health center of hope and help that will continue FAME’s mission to empower your global partners with new tools that move access to healthcare and the gospel within reach of thousands of the world’s most vulnerable!

Thank you for your partnership!