How Long Do You Have?

We all are clock watchers. We like to know what time it is, how much time until our next activity, how much time is left in the school play, we just like to know how much time we have!

When we think about why FAME does what FAME does – time is of the essence.

One of your FAME partners works specifically with the Maasai people in Kenya – and FAME is currently raising funds to remodel a clinic in their region. This clinic is critical for the future of their people because the Maasi people have a life expectancy of only 45 years.

For the Christians in the community that means a real lack of elderly wisdom and leadership. It means there is a gap of grandparents and great-grandparents influencing the next generation with the gospel. The facility is active in health education in the schools and villages and is a top-performing facility in the country!

This Health Centre is changing the landscape for the Maasai people! As a matter of fact, the Talek Health Center which is located at the northeastern entrance to the world-famous Maasai Mara National Reserve was just recognized by the Kenyan Government as the “best-improved facility in management against 16 facilities both in government and private organizations.”

Please pray for FAME as we rally support for this clinic project. Please pray for Community Health Partners in Kenya as they care for the Maasai People with healthcare and the gospel – extending life expectancy and generational impact!

When you say “Yes!” to FAME

You send treatment and the cure…

…so more people say “Yes!” to Jesus!

Thank you for your partnership

Join Our Team!

FAME is seeking a Mobilization Coordinator to help build and grow our ministry of short-term medical mission trips. The successful applicant will have excellent organizational and people skills.  Experience with international travel is a plus.  Extensive domestic and international travel will be required.  Projected start date will be January 1, 2025.

To apply, send cover letter and resume to

Mobilization Coordinator Job Description

September Prayer Calendar

Dear FAME Prayer Partner,

Thank you for your faithful partnership with the ministry of FAME through prayer. We are blessed to have you come alongside us in praying for those here in the U.S and those around the world.

This month we are excited to have a short-term team going back to Colombia to serve alongside
the ministry, La Costa, Colombia. The team will be hosting multiple medical outreaches in local cities and towns in and around Barranquilla, Colombia, including Santa Marta, and Buena Ventura to develop and support indigenous Christian ministries.

Medical outreaches open doors for our Colombian hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team.  Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed.

Please pray for not only the trip participants that will be going, but also the leadership of La Costa Colombia, and the people the team will be treating in the name of Jesus.

Other items of prayer include many volunteer groups at FAME this month, some shipments going to DR Congo, Togo, and Ghana (shipping a 40’ container of medical supplies and equipment), and our FAME staff.

Lastly, I’d like to share some of a devotion I recently came across by Lysa TerKeurst, that really touched my heart on the importance of not only being in God’s Word, but how we should view the Word. She writes, How will we respond to the Word when it is presented to us? Will we be torn in our hearts and drawn to repentance and worship? Or will we remain prideful and resistant?

I believe our answers to these questions hinge on how we view God’s Word.

If we treat God’s Word simply as an ancient book with some good principles, we will read it and take from it what we want. But if we truly believe the Bible is the living Word of the one true and holy God, we won’t just read it — we’ll let it read us. Our key verse reminds us, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

If we will let it, Scripture can breathe fresh life into us, rearrange our wrong thinking, redirect our wayward heart tendencies and cause us to become more and more humble with each interaction.

Blessings in the coming month,

Click here for the September Prayer Calendar

Dummies Go to Africa!

In 1979 I was in a “camp team” traveling to represent Great Lakes Christian College. That is the summer I first met a missionary who had taken his ventriloquist dummy on the mission field to Rhodesia.

Rod Cameron spent many years encouraging children and students to consider missions. He was the Director of a church camp in Central Indiana. Prior to meeting him, he had written a book, A Dummy Goes to Africa about he and his ventriloquist dummy, “Gabby” and their adventures in Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

Not long ago his son Bruce, wrote Jeff Coon when he heard FAME had remodeled the Birthing Center/Area at Mashoko Christian Hospital in Zimbabwe. Bruce was thrilled because he was born in the previous one!

“Dummies” currently play a role in the story of nurses being trained to go into many villages and teach CPR to community leaders in each village, so that more lives can be saved in these areas! CPR mannequins were just shipped to your FAME global partner overseas which runs the nursing program. CPR mannequins are critical to the training that occurs. So I guess we could say, dummies still go to Africa and make an impact!

Thank you for your partnership with FAME!

Bill Warren
Executive Diretor

6 lbs. at 6 months

I’m in the season of life that when I get on the scale, I hope that the numbers go down!

But the first weeks and months of a baby’s life, as you know, are the opposite. Births are announced with their weight included. We celebrate each successive appointment when they’ve gained a few ounces or pounds.

One of your FAME partners visited a village to give medical care, teach health lessons, and encourage the church planted in that village and met a young mother. She brought her child to the medical clinic and the team thought this was a newborn, only a few days old. But they came to find out that this little 6 lb. baby was 6 months old!

The care given turned the corner for little Josias! This partner is one of the great FAME partners who continue to serve among the villages they visit and they return to train leaders and continue care among the villagers.

Three (3) days ago a FAME team went back to that village and it has been 14 years since first meeting little Josias. This is him! He is strong and healthy, still enjoys balloon animals, and is a testimony of great things happening through God’s power!

Because of YOU and your support, ministries like this are able to intervene with help and hope, even for a mother and her 6 lb. child.

Thank you for your partnership!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

Road Closed!

Road Closed!

Here in Indiana, it’s probably because of Summer road construction. But recently, in Guatemala, a medical team was informed that the community they were planning to visit was not accessible- there was no way for a bus to go over the pass.

So last minute plans were made to go to a community to which they had never gone and had wanted to see if there was an open door for the gospel there. They report:

On our second clinic day, we headed to this new community. Two hours after we opened the door it was apparent why we were here. A little girl was carried into our clinic in a Hyperglycemic Crisis. I saw His intricate planning, and how He aligned everything months in advance for this moment. FAME ministries were a part of His plan. Because of your donations, we had the IV kits we needed to buy us time to get off this mountain and to the nearest hospital. Those fluid boluses helped us save this little girl’s life and we could not have done it without you. Our God deserves all the praise. I am so grateful that He used both of our ministries to not only save Little Hope but also to share the gospel with her entire family.







Those IV Kits being with the right team, in the right place, at the right time is Amazing!

  • They were donated by someone to FAME.
  • They were received, labeled, and entered into inventory by volunteers and staff at FAME.
  • They were listed on a request form from the partner.
  • They were pulled from the shelf, taken out of inventory, and prepared for delivery by volunteers.
  • They were packed and sent out with the team.
  • They flew with a team to Guatemala.
  • They were supposed to go to one community but went to another because of a Closed Road.
  • A life was saved and the gospel was shared.

All that timing is only possible because of God – but it is also because of YOU!

Thank you for your partnership!

Where Jesus Goes….

601,994.713 Square miles. That is the area of the largest state in Brazil… Amazonas (for reference Texas is 268,820 Square miles). Within this vast area lies the intricate Amazon River system, home to over 32,000 villages accessible only by boat!

One of your FAME partners in Brazil, Central Brazil Mission (CBM) has been traveling BY BOAT from village to village for years, taking the gospel through medical evangelism one village at a time.

CBM’s three-story medical boat, equipped with Exam rooms, Dental suites, a Pharmacy, and housing, travels the Amazon, stopping at villages to treat people in the name of Jesus. People arrive in small boats from nearby settlements and villages to receive treatment and hear the gospel. The team reports, “After providing medical and dental care, we close out the visit with a worship service in the village before we leave. Most of the time, our visit leads to an invitation to return and, ultimately, to the establishment of a new church in the village.” Over 50 churches have been established since 1969 in many of the 70 villages that are their ministry focus.

Earl and Ruth Anne Haubner

Amazing regional impact has occurred. Earl Haubner, the founder of CBM, said last week, “Where Jesus goes, everything gets better.” He continued, “We have observed that where the Gospel is preached, life in the whole village gets better. In fact, village leaders have thanked us for bringing Jesus to their villages. In addition to new-found hope through Christ, the people have a better life through better medical care and nutrition and the whole village benefits from the presence of the church and from the local missionary.”

Your partnership with FAME makes this happen, as FAME supports global partners so that Where Jesus goes, everything gets better!


Bill Warren
Executive Director


August Prayer Calendar

Dear FAME Prayer Partner,

Thank you for your continued partnership with FAME through your prayers for the ministry. We are blessed in knowing that you come alongside us with your faithful prayers for FAME board members, volunteers, mission partners, shipments, scholarship recipients, the staff, or church visits or events each month.

This month, with so many of the kids going back to school, we ask that you partner with us in praying for our 9 FAME scholarship recipients who are studying to become medical professionals in their home countries. These Christian students all desire to serve God through their medical professions. Each of these students are sponsored by a FAME Partner mission and are in the countries of Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, India, and Haiti.

Also, please pray for a medical team of 5 midwives and doulas that will be serving in Kenya with Entepesi Ministry the first week of August. The team is a collection of providers who specialize in women’s health, midwifery, and babies. They will be focused on training local midwives in Kenya who treat women in remote villages.

And then mid-month we have another short-term mission team that will be serving with Central Brazil Mission. This team of 12 participants will be serving on a boat trip along the Amazon River. They will be docking at multiple remote villages along the river and will treat patients both physically and spiritually. Patients will make their way on board the boat to be seen by medical professionals on the team.

The scripture used in this month’s prayer calendar is Hebrews 1:10-12. It reads, In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment, they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end. NIV

How wonderful and encouraging it is to know that our Lord, Jesus, is eternal and never changes. May you be blessed by his never-ending love for you!

Thank you once again for your faithfulness and your partnership in prayer for FAME.

Blessings in the coming month,

Click here for the August Prayer Calendar

“….leave with Jesus”

We were surrounded by Global Partners.

Dr. Zindoga and Dinah Bungu

This week, I had the privilege of leading the Lake James Christian Assembly School of Missions. Because of my role, we were blessed to have each main speaker and presenter be one of your FAME global partners. There is so much I could tell, but one comment that stood out is from Dr. Zindoga Bungu of the Mashoko Christian Hospital in Zimbabwe. The Mashoko Hospital is actually the location where the vision for FAME was first expressed and actions began toward the ministry’s beginnings. Zindoga was a young man who was taken under the wing of FAME’s founders and has now become the doctor leading the team of six doctors.

Dr. Bungu told of a young girl who had developed a crisis pregnancy and, like the majority of women in that culture, first went to a local witch doctor, which worsened the situation. Eventually, she was brought to the hospital by the ambulance that you, as a FAME partner, helped to provide. She joined a dozen other mothers in waiting and watching their pregnancies closely. During that time, these mothers are taught about Jesus and healthy habits as a mom and for their newborns.

This young girl was able to be stabilized and delivered without complications.

Here’s the line from Dr. Bungu: “The mothers not only leave with a baby, they leave with Jesus.”

That is why FAME does what we do! I’m sure that is why you partner with FAME! “…(people) leaving with Jesus.”

Count me in.

How about you?

Bill Warren
Executive Director

Addicted to Generosity

Fred and Molly are two examples of FAME volunteers who seem to be addicted to generosity.

Every week there are people who come and sort, count, pack, and ship medical equipment. Sometimes a crew is testing medical equipment to make sure it works perfectly, others will build crates to ship medical equipment. But no matter what, they are touching items that will save a life.

Every month there are small groups that arrive at the FAME warehouse and do some of the same things the weekly folks do! This week one of those people who traveled an hour to serve said, “It’s almost as if I can’t help myself- I’m hooked on helping every month!” They continued, “I’ve volunteered in many places and ways over the years; but there’s something special about FAME! Knowing that each supply I prepared will travel thousands of miles this year and someone will have surgery or be treated in a lifesaving way! You can’t measure that value.”

I couldn’t agree more. Yearly there are so many who travel globally to directly support your FAME global partners treating people in the name of Jesus.

But I mentioned Fred and Molly (in the picture above); they deliver supplies from Florida every few months! This last week they arrived with a brand new truck and trailer (twice the size of their last one) that others joined them to acquire for the purpose of bringing donations to FAME!

All of these people and those like you who financially partner with FAME remind me of when Paul said, “The love of Christ compels us!”

Thank you for your partnership! And we are so thankful for those who make it possible to provide not just treatment, but the cure! The eternal cure that comes from the gospel!