Generators for Power Supply

Location:  Aparri, Philippines

Electricity Needed 24/7 at Hospitals! That is no surprise, but often not available. Your FAME partner in Aparri, Philippines has an outdated, under-sized, and over-used Generator. Usually a temporary solution, has now become a near permanent provider of electricity for critical care patients with the Electricity Crisis in the Philippines. The Electric Co-op in their region has yet to recover from the Ompong Typhoon, and weather has hindered recovery over and over. The Dialysis, Heart, COPD, and Asthma patients are all at risk many times. With your partnership FAME is raising funds to provide a New Generator Set which will adequately power the full hospital if needed!

Funding Goal:  $40,000

Mission:  Charles Selby Memorial Hospital- a Self-Sustaining Philippine Hospital other than Capital Projects


Crisis of Access

Ambulance for this Clinic which offers routine patient care, laboratory services, maternity care, nutritional support, immunizations, and HIV services.  But when a critical care patient arrives at the Clinic – not being able to transport them to a Hospital is a Crisis

New Cardiac Care Clinic

Location:  Ghana

Need: There is no full-service Cardiovascular Heart Disease (CHD) facility in the Northern half of Ghana.  The project will involve repurposing and remodeling of 5 rooms to house the clinic, purchasing equipment to furnish the facility

Funding Goal: $20,000

Mission:  Changing Lives Together

Why Go?

FAME’s mission statement reads:  FAME is sending help and hope in the name of Christ to the world’s most vulnerable through medical evangelism.

If you go on a short-term medical mission trip with FAME, one of the first publications you will receive is a Trip Packet full of introductory information about your upcoming trip.  One of the pages toward the front of this packet includes FAME’s mission statement and core values which clearly defines our reason for going to the mission field to serve.

In October, FAME took our first team to the Philippines to serve with the Charles W. Selby Memorial hospital staff, led by Ofelia (Pia) Tabilisima.  It was such a wonderful trip as the hospital staff and the FAME team joined together to minister to over 771 patients who attended a total of 6 medical outreaches.  Several of our patients came from indigenous Filipino tribes.  Finding meaningful work in order to support their needs and the needs of their families is a stress they wake up to every morning.  In many communities, men turn to alcohol when met with these types of life’s challenges.

As a FAME medical team, we serve many purposes.  One of those purposes is to open doors for our in-country hosts to meet more than just the physical needs of the patients who come seeking help.  Although treating the physical needs is important, we know there is a greater need for each person who shows up that day and that is the need to know Jesus.

Our medical teams usually attract a lot of attention which means a lot of patients to care for.  This was true for our Philippines team.  Patients came with many physical problems such as pain, stomach issues, skin rashes, respiratory problems, and infections.  Some patients however needed help that did not come from a pharmacy prescription.  I know of two occasions where Deb Trego, RN, talked openly with two gentlemen about their problem with alcohol abuse.  When Deb asked each one if they drank alcohol excessively, they openly and honestly confessed that they did.


In addition, we had a 19-year-old young lady who came to our last medical outreach.  She and her boyfriend had just broken up and she thought she might be pregnant. We were blessed to give her the news that she was not pregnant as well as spend time with her in prayer.  She also brought her 68-year-old neighbor with her that morning who was not feeling well.  As Deb talked with this young lady about her neighbor, we found out that Erlinda, lived in deplorable conditions with no family members to help care for her.  This young lady and her family had been giving Erlinda food each day and provided the care that she needed.  She also shared that she and her family were moving, so of course, no one would be there to continue providing the attention she needed.

FAME teams are limited to how much time they can invest in individual patient’s lives because of the short time they spend on the mission field.  For this reason, we depend on our in-country host to provide an avenue for help that can be extended to our patients who are openly seeking it and need it.  We were grateful that traveling along with our Philippine’s team were 2 hospital chaplains as well as local pastors.

We are so grateful for our FAME donors and supporters who understand the importance of investing in FAME as we strive to send help and hope in the name of Christ to the world’s most vulnerable through medical evangelism. 

May God receive all the glory as we seek to connect people all around the globe to the avenue leading to Him.  It is for this reason that “We Go”.

If you would like to join us on our next trip to the Philippines, please contact me and let’s talk!

Dates are April 18th – May 2nd, 2020.

Lonnie Burley
FAME Director of Short-term Trips

Partnerships to Reach the Least of These 

HCO US Director, Megan Schreiber with RoRo and Eline Eustache

As a supplier of quality medical supplies and equipment and an active player in expanding God’s kingdom through medical evangelism, FAME has become a reliable partner for Haitian Christian Outreach! Over several years, Haitian Christian Outreach (HCO) and FAME have built a collaborative relationship based on a common goal of providing necessary resources to the least of these. The mission of HCO is to do something in Haiti that will last. Through our four points of ministry which includes church planting, education, health care, and community development, HCO is evangelizing, equipping, empowering and encouraging Southeast Haiti.

On the Peredo campus in Southeast Haiti, Haitian Christian Outreach opened a two OR suite surgery center in April 2019 as part of the second phase of their Peredo Community Hospital construction. The first phase included the main hospital building, pharmacy, and laboratory. The third phase will be a twenty-two-bed long term stay facility on the top floor of the surgery center.

To open the surgery center, we needed large, specific pieces of equipment to perform cases safely and effectively. FAME’s ability to find, gather and house these pieces of equipment was a key factor in getting the equipment prepared and sent to Peredo. It was in November of 2018 that I (Megan Schreiber, US Director for HCO) was able to visit the FAME warehouse as I assisted their team of highly knowledgable staff and volunteers to pack a 40-foot shipping container with surgical lights, anesthesia machines, gurneys, surgical tables, and many other supplies. The efficiency of the process, from start to finish was simple and professional! We were one step closer to fulfilling a basic need in Southeast Haiti. Because of FAME’s active role in getting the equipment and supplies to Haiti, we had a successful opening of the surgery center! To date, they have performed over 100 surgeries!

As a former healthcare administrator, I am encouraged by the opportunity to introduce medical facilities and personnel to FAME and their mission. In order to provide consistent care to the community, we need a steady flow of medical supplies, gently used medical equipment and medications. Through collaborative partnerships like this one, resources can reach further and provide sustainable solutions to those areas where fulfilling basic needs is a matter of survival.

All for His Glory,

Megan E. Schreiber, B.S.S.
US Director
Haitian Christian Outreach

From Virginia to Indy – A Nurse’s Story of Serving

It all started about two years ago when FAME Executive Director, Bill Warren came to visit my church, Kempsville Christian Church in Virginia. Bill gave an account of what FAME was about and where it was. My ears perked up when I heard “Indiana”, as that is where my father’s family is from and the state in which I was born. This was also the first medical mission my church had been involved with. As a Registered Nurse (RN) I had always dreamed of doing medical mission work, so I was very interested.

Later, after doing some research on medical mission trips and FAME, I realized at this time in my life I may not have the resources to pull off a mission trip out of the U.S., but I could get my feet wet by driving to Indiana to work in the medical warehouse. Fortunately, I was able to combine the trip with an upcoming family reunion in northern Indiana.

I loved the fact that we started each day there with a short devotional and prayer. I really felt like I belonged from the start and went right to work. My specialty as a nurse was in the O.R., so Barry Reed, FAME’s Director of Mission Resources, who oversees all the incoming and outgoing medical supplies and equipment, presented me with donated surgical instruments and had me identify and store them. I was impressed by the way other nurses had already organized the instruments, making my job a snap. Overall, the warehouse is very well organized, and it is amazing to me the amount and variety of supplies they have to support so many missions all over the world.

I was there for four days and each day was different and interesting. Wednesday I met a group from a local Indiana church who came and made short work of sorting, labeling and checking expiration dates on pallets of 100 cubic feet of supplies. It’s amazing what the Lord’s people can do when they work together!

Part of each day I was there was devoted to orthopedic supplies that had been donated. I sorted and cataloged splints and braces for about every part of the body. I sorted through enough wrist and finger splints for hundreds of broken bones. I was happy to have the job finished by Friday and now Barry will have a record of it all in the inventory system, making it easy to send what is needed to Africa, Mexico, Nepal, Honduras, Liberia, or Ukraine. These are just examples of the many countries my work with FAME might touch.

I almost hated to leave because I had not felt so appreciated for my talents and knowledge base as a nurse in a long time. Frequently, the day in – day out work in medicine can leave a nurse feeling under-appreciated and burned out. I would venture to say that a visit to FAME could do a lot to reverse that feeling in any other nurse or healthcare provider. I highly recommend it and I’m very glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to come here. I might even make that mission trip again in the next few years. Thank you, FAME Staff for having me.


Debbie Gibson RN LT NCUSNR-R


Everybody is Somebody in Christ’s Body

“Everybody is somebody in Christ’s body,” is a motto I learned as a new Christian in 1999. It was drilled into my brain by my campus minister which simply reminded me that God has given me skills, abilities, and possessions which matter to kingdom service. Making a difference in this world for Christ does not just exist from a pulpit. Then, several years later I found myself at that same campus ministry in the role of a campus minister, chanting this motto again and again. This motto helped focus our ministry to take annual service trips with FAME. The experience helped our college students see how FAME leverages medical skills, education, and resources to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Hi, I’m Barry Reed, FAME’s newest staff member as Director of Mission Resources. After twelve years serving the kingdom as a Campus Minister at Western Illinois University, my family and I have relocated to Indiana to join the global impact of medical evangelism. Though Indiana has been a regular place of travel for our family, we have always lived in Illinois. I grew up just outside of Peoria, IL in the rural community of Farmington. Later, I attended WIU and completed a Bachelor of Accountancy. It was in those college years that God transformed my life and my career goals made a sudden change. Being a member of Campus Students for Christ (Christian Campus House of WIU), I was exposed to a variety of mission work, including church-planting. Following graduation, I was blessed with the opportunity to join a church-planting staff, specifically as Worship Minister. I began attending Lincoln Christian Seminary at this time, and later completed a Master of Leadership after transitioning to campus ministry.

My wife, Christi (Pim), and I have been married 15 years. We have three boys; Gavin, Cooper & Tucker. We have made Shelbyville, IN our new home where Christi serves in the elementary public school as a Behavioral and Life Skills Case Worker. We are huge St. Louis Cardinals fans. We spend a lot of time on the baseball field and basketball court. My favorite hobby is coaching my boys and their friends. However, as a family, we have also learned the beauty in sharing our home, and holidays with international students. God has brought some of our most special friends to us from across the ocean. From Russia to Brazil; China to Nigeria; there are homes we would find welcome to us because God has brought so many to us.

I will be happy to meet many who belong to the family of FAME, as volunteers in the warehouse, senders of medical supplies, or participants in a packing party, preparing medical supplies for a specific mission field. However you are connected to FAME, I’m honored to be joining you in this specific way as we all join together as somebodies in Christ’s body.


Part of God’s Plan in the Dominican Republic

FAME has partnered with Del Corazon de JesuCristo in the city of El Catey, Dominican Republic since 2004.  Dr. Steve and Julie Dorsey are the Directors of the work there.

Recently, FAME took a team of 20 team participants, which included 15 associates who work at Hancock Regional hospital in Greenfield, IN, to partner with the Dorseys and with Dr. Leslie Valenzuela.  Dr. Leslie is on staff at Del Corazon and she sees patients at the Del Corazon clinic who are from El Catey and surrounding communities.

We were so blessed throughout the week to be able to serve through medical outreaches in locations that were chosen by two local Pastors.  These medical outreaches opened doors for evangelism long after our team left for home.

There are two medical outreach stations that I have always felt hold a special place in our medical ministry.  Our preventative “Health Education” station and our “Kids” station.  Why the “Kids” station you might ask?

The purpose of our “Health Education” station is to provide education on how to stay well and how we can prevent disease.  Simple handwashing is an example of how we can eliminate almost all diseases, but yet, this is not a common practice in many developing countries.

FAME’s Dominican team shared these topics when teaching at our “Health Education” station – how to treat a sore throat without the use of medications, treatment of diarrhea, and the importance of exercise and a proper diet.

What makes the “Kids” station so special?  The smiles, giggles, sounds of balloons popping, face-painting, rope jumping, chalk drawings, bubbles, games, nail painting, etc: all lead to the beginnings of a personal relationship with each child, albeit for a day.

It was this type of relationship between Dr. Steve Dorsey and a young Dominican boy that changed this boy’s life forever!

A few years back, our FAME team was headed home after serving a week with the Dorseys. We were at the airport in Santo Domingo when we heard one of the airport employee’s yell “Hey, I know you!”  When we turned around, he walked up to Dr. Dorsey and said, “You used to come to my town every year when I was a kid, and I remember you!”  This young man had not forgotten all the attention and love Steve and others poured into him so many years before.

This story has an even more amazing ending.  God’s plan all along was to call Steve to become a full-time missionary in the Dominican Republic.

Thank-you Dorseys, for allowing us to be a part of His plan for Del Corazon de JesuCristo!

4-day hike from the village

In the “unknown” Northeast part of India (it is North and East of Bangledesh next to Myanmar) a 16 year old girl was staying with family in the small village of Miao.  She was keeping up her studies while her parents were in their village, which was a 4 day hike, harvesting Cardamom for essential oil providers.

She became very ill with whole body swelling issues and was driven in the car of our Mission Partner Stephen 17 hours to the hospital in Margherita Assam.

This was too severe of a journey and the car was not adequate to care for her-she passed away before her parents were able to even see her.  Our Mission Partners Asian Christian Services is being helped by FAME to acquire 4×4 Ambulance which will be able to provide safe transport from these remote areas.

$1000 will provide the bed, oxygen system, and IV systems for the Ambulance.

Every Month…

Solonique lives 1 mile from a new subdivision near Manila– but Solonique’s family does not live IN a “Camella Home” they live under the billboard advertising the new homes. He laughs, loves to swim, plays soccer with his friends, but Solonique will likely never see a doctor in his lifetime.  Unless something changes, when he needs medicine, or medical treatment he will never be treated by a doctor.

Solonique is not alone; 600,000 people in Bacoor City, Philippines have no address and no healthcare EXCEPT for the Mobile Clinic being provided by Partners of FAME like you. Even though Solonique and his family have no access to medical care – the Mobile Clinic will now have access to them; bringing medicine, medical treatment, and most of all the Good News!


Here is where YOU can make a difference as a Pallet Partner Every Mission Partner, more than 30, of FAME needs Medicine and Supplies…these all have to be acquired and then sent to our partners.  I’d like to introduce you to an opportunity to SEND those needed supplies, medical providers, and facilities to boys like Solonique.


Our Pallet Partners will be monthly partners who help send medicine($25 sends medicine for 156 Children) and medical supplies($50 a month for a year, sends a full pallet of Supplies) to open the door for the Good News.  We believe that people are highly receptive to the gospel as their health needs are met, so we are asking you to help touch their lives at that time of openness to the Good News.  If you want to help provide a Mobile Clinic or Facility to care for children and families, $250 a month for 2 years provides an exam room in a Mission Hospital where the pallet of supplies can be distributed and used to touch lives like Solonique.