June Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Partners of FAME,

Thank you for your continued partnership with the ministry of FAME through prayer. In these turbulent times, your prayers are making a difference and changing lives of those around the world.

In the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10, Jesus reminds us of the importance of helping others, no matter what race, religion or nationality. Through acts of kindness and empathy, people’s lives can be changed. Though you may not be physically helping someone at this time, you are changing lives daily through your prayers for the world’s most vulnerable, our mission partners, scholarship students, volunteers, staff, and board members.

This month please partner with us as we pray for many of our mission partners to whom we have provided medical supplies, are preparing to send supplies, or to whom we are providing funding, through your generous donations, for a sustainable healthcare project.  Pray that lives will be changed both physically and spiritually as our mission partners around the world share the love of Christ through the medical care that they provide.

We also ask that you pray for our scholarship students hat are studying to become medical professionals in their home countries. This has been a very challenging time for all students around the world. Many have had to finish the school year remotely by taking online classes. Please pray that these talented Christian young people continue to do well as they pursue their degrees.

And lastly, please pray for many of our FAME volunteers that give of their time and talents to support the ministry. Though we have not seen a lot of them over the last few months due to Covid-19 and social distancing, we pray that we will see them again soon, and we pray a blessing over them as they continue to serve God through their service.

Click here for the June Prayer Calendar

Memorial Day…Big Changes/No Changes

This Memorial Day Weekend in Indianapolis is going to be very different!  No Indy 500 Race.  No giant multi-family picnic we’ve been attending on and off for 20 years.

But one thing won’t change- honoring those who have gone before us.  That’s my mom, Marilyn Coon above. Last year we lost my dad a few months after his 90th birthday.  Memorial Day brings up memories of his love for his family, his love of the Lord, love of his country (WWII vet), and his love for global missions!

Bob Reeves, FAME’s Foundational Executive Director

At FAME, remembering our past brings up memories of Bob Reeves, the foundational Executive Director of FAME.  I first met Bob when he spoke at a Faith Promise Rally at my childhood home church.  His passion for Global Missions radiated from him and Rosella as he challenged our church to change the world!

Maybe there’s someone special you’d like to honor this Memorial Day!  There are many great organizations to whom you could give, I understand that.  But here’s why I’d like to ask if you could consider a $100 Memorial Gift to FAME? FAME has been impacting nearly a million of the world’s most vulnerable (hearing the gospel and being treated in the name of Jesus) every year for 50 years.  When you give a $100 memorial gift to FAME it will have an eternal impact on 100 people.  People who have been made vulnerable by persecution, pandemic, injustice, poverty, and trafficking.  Your global FAME partners are on the frontlines of the gospel in over 40 countries- I think that is a cause worth giving an honoring memorial gift to!

Tell us who you’d like the memorial gift to honor AND add a story in a note (online or in the mail) – we’d love to share your joy remembering a life well-lived.  Click here to make your Memorial gift.

Blessings and Happy Memorial Day!

Jeff Coon
Director of Development.

Lucy Pruett and Bob Reeves







Jeff Coon and Dorothy Bare

P.S.  If you have another 2 minutes can I tell you about the last picture in this email?  This is Dorothy Bare and I last year in  Joplin, MO.  Dorothy and her husband Dr. Garland Bare were Medical Missionaries to Thailand beginning in the 1950s, before FAME was even a dream.  When I met her last year she said, “Garland and I said many times, If only FAME had existed when we were just getting started in Thailand.  God provided the medical equipment and supplies we needed in miraculous ways – but he and I were so thankful FAME exists for medical evangelism now!”  Garland passed away in April of 2017, what a legacy they have in the world of Medical Evangelism.



Thank You for Your Partnership

It’s time for you to know that in an ongoing survey of your global partners, great discoveries are being made.  According to the results, at least 1 person hears the gospel and is treated for every $1 given to FAME.  So when you give to FAME it’s not just a dollar amount, but also an impact amount of the number of people you touched!  Here are some highlights of your impact recently:

  • Nepal – soap, sanitizers, and masks being distributed by a Katmandu orphanage
  • Mozambique – oxygen equipment, and a ventilator
  • Myanmar – fabric for an orphanage to sew 10,000 masks for distribution
  • Honduras – masks and gloves for clinic workers
  • Zimbabwe – PPE supplies for Hospital
  • Haiti – various medical supplies for Hospitals and Clinics

Plus supplies were sent to missions/hospitals in:

Cambodia * Cameroon * Chad * China *  Colombia * Costa Rica * Cuba * DR of Congo  Dominican Republic * Ecuador * Ghana  Guatemala * Guinea * India * Japan * Jordan * Kenya * Liberia * Malawi * Mexico * Nicaragua * Niger * Nigeria * Panama * Philippines * Togo  Ukraine * USA

That’s YOUR global impact list!

During this crisis, you’ve made a difference in the lives of so many of the world’s most vulnerable!  More than 1 for every $1 you’ve given – and they all have a name, and they all are grateful for your generosity and partnership with FAME!

Heroes Like You

It has been so encouraging to see the outpouring of support for so many of the previously unsung heroes of the world.  My son is a Paramedic and daily confronts this pandemic crisis in Indianapolis.  Jeff, my co-worker, has a daughter-in-law that is an ICU Nurse, seeing the reality of this crisis first-hand every shift. Both are Heroes during this crisis!

Dr. Darwin holding supplies sent because of you

Globally we are seeing your FAME partner doctors, not only treating patients but doing so much for their communities, even delivering food!  In Honduras, the lockdown is so significant that only a Doctor can get past the road-blocks.  So a FAME Impact Scholarship Recipient Doctor is delivering food to mountain villages in the 4×4 Ambulance (which you helped provide) before he begins his day at the clinic!  A Hero during this crisis!

But according to Paul, “How can they believe without hearing about Jesus?  How can they hear about Jesus without a person speaking to them?  And how can they speak about Jesus without being sent?”  That’s YOU, the one who sent!

You are a Hero during this Global Crisis, and many of you for years before now, and years to come!  I wish I could deliver an “A Hero Lives Here” sign to you because of your partnership with FAME!

The Heroes on the front-line of Medical Evangelism are able to do what they do, because of HEROES LIKE YOU!

Thank you for your partnership!


Bill Warren
Executive Director

A roadblock set up in Honduras. Only doctors allowed through.
Food being provided in a 4×4 Ambulance

May Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Partners of FAME,

Thank you for your unswerving partnership with the ministry of FAME through prayer. People all around the world are being blessed and strengthened because of you.

In Exodus 17, we see something amazing happen in the life of Moses and the Israelites. As the Israelites are wandering in the desert, they meet opposition from the Amalekites and soon Moses sends Joshua to lead troops into battle.  Moses, along with Aaron and Hur, watched the battle from a hill nearby and as Exodus 17:11 reads, “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” The statement, “held up his hands” refers to a position of prayer, and when Moses prayed, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he stopped praying, the Israelites were losing. This verse shows the importance of prayer, because the victory of the battle was dependent on Moses praying. And when Moses became weary, in order to assure victory over their foe, Aaron and Hur were there to support Moses until the victory was won.

Nurses at Mashoko Christian Hospital practicing social distancing while in devotions

Around the world, and especially those on the “front lines”, many are most likely getting weary. And now more possibly than ever they need your help and your prayers to defeat this persistent foe by helping them “hold up their hands”. For the month of May, the focus of the prayer calendar will be those partners and organizations that FAME has helped in some way in the last few months by either sending medical supplies or sending funding to purchase supplies in order to defeat this unseen, but present enemy. And as you may be surprised to see, many of the organizations listed are in the United States. Though not the “norm” for us to do, we have found it a blessing to come alongside those in the US as well, as we unite to help those in need,


We also would like to request prayer for the FAME board members who give of their time and talents to lead the ministry. We ask for your prayers that the FAME Board be given wisdom and discernment during this unprecedented time.

The Amalekites were unexpected and seemed as persistent as the COVID-19 virus that is among us, however, through prayer and the support of others, the enemy was defeated. May our partners be strengthened, and may this current enemy be defeated around the world through the help of your prayers.

Many blessings to you and thank you once again for coming alongside us as we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.

Click here for the May Prayer Calendar

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

At FAME we receive Thank You notes that are written by Global Partners to YOU!

 I would like to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You once again for partnering with us to bring much-needed equipment and supplies to a very needy people in an unreached part of Africa.


Thank you for the Operating Room lights, our hospital in Nampula is a surgical facility and we needed two sets of lights, which is precisely what the Lord provided through FAME!  As one of the few hospitals in our region, the government has approved our Hospital as a COVID-19 Treatment Facility here in Mozambique!

Wednesday a shipment left Indianapolis on its way to Mozambique with a ventilator, Oxygen Tank, Nebulizers, and associated supplies as well as PPE. With only 46 cases and 0 deaths in Mozambique –relatively low numbers, these healthcare providers are gearing up to meet the demands of serving people, knowing that in these under-resourced countries, the toll could be high.

Here is how one contact in Africa wrote it:

It’s an eerie feeling to be behind the rest of the world, watching and waiting for the inevitable. When even the US and Europe have trouble keeping up with healthcare related to this virus, we know that it will be even harder on our resource-poor country. We are praying and preparing as best we can.

These Thank You notes are really from them TO YOU!

I’d like to Thank you for your prayers, generosity, and partnership during these uncertain times.  God has placed YOU and FAME together for such times as these!

Watch for our next prayer calendar, coming in your email, on May 1st.  Please keep these FAME global partners in your prayers during the month of May, as this deadly virus moves into their countries.

I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded why we do, what we do; but the head surgeon at the Mozambique Hospital put it this way:

We are poised to open up our Mission Hospital now.  We plan to capitalize even more than we have before on Evangelism of the people who are lost who come to our hospital; trying to get medical care but getting spiritual care as well…even if unsuspectingly! 

Click here for a video about this Mozambique partner

Thank you again- for your partnership in Medical Evangelism!Blessings,

Bill Warren
Executive Director

Ventilator that was sent
Oxygen tank
PPE- Surgical gloves

Exactly How YOU Can Help!

Helpless!  If you feel that way about this current crisis, you are not alone.

I’ve spoken to many people who feel helpless during this crisis- because we don’t know exactly how we can help.

We are staying home, washing our hands, wearing masks, and watching the news hoping this will come to an end.

Refugee camp in Thailand

You have been bringing Help and Hope around the world with FAME for a long time.  Recently we have helped even hospitals and First Responders here in the USA, but it is beginning to look as if that is under control.  Now we are preparing for our Global Partners who are about to be hard hit by COVID-19.  This has been highly concentrated in China, Europe, the USA, and other developed countries, but that is about to change.

Vulnerable developing countries, where your FAME global partners work, will almost certainly be struck with COVID 19. The current low numbers are due either to a lack of detection or to the time lag between when the virus first spreads and when it begins to manifest. When it does strike, it will do so with a vengeance, as these countries have all the most potent risk factors. Their basic health infrastructure is inadequate. They often lack clean running water. They also have high population densities and family living systems that will impede physical distancing.

Vulnerable developing countries, where the majority of your FAME global partners work are preparing for this pandemic.

Many of you have asked, “Exactly how can I help?”

Here are some examples:

These are frequently requested items by our partners

  • $100 for ten Boxes of 100 exam gloves
  • $55 for 20 N95 masks
  • $45 for an Infrared Thermometer
  • $30 for 20 Eye Shields

Your gift of any amount to our Emergency Fund will help us be prepared to meet these expected requests.

Don’t feel helpless!  Here’s exactly how you can help.

Look at the list of frequently requested items, pick a dollar amount, and then you can know – you helped a global partner be prepared for the worst.

Click here to donate now

Or mail your check to FAME
4545 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203

Jeff Coon
Director of Development


Crisis is What We Do!

Valerie Colby and Staff, His Eyes, Honduras

At FAME, “crisis” is what we do. For 50 years, friends like you have been providing medical care – in the name of Jesus and with a Gospel message – and right now is just as “crazy” as you might anticipate.

Just this week, we’ve heard from 9 Global Partners requesting our immediate help with Personal Protection Equipment, thermometers and other various supplies they just can’t find or afford.  Because of you, and others like you, to date we have been able to respond to each request.  We have shipped supplies from our warehouse, ordered supplies to be shipped directly, and/or sent the funds needed for them to purchase supplies in-country.

I know this may be a very challenging time for you personally – so, if you are not able to help, know that I fully understand – but if you are able to help, you’ll be having an immediate and lasting impact.

For example, just yesterday we shipped a crate full of N-95’s masks, as well as surgical masks, exam gloves, and an infrared thermometer to Honduras. The request came in late last Friday and they should have the supplies in-hand just after Easter. That’s what I mean by immediate and lasting impact!

The shipping cost of that one shipment was $580– fortunately, FAME’s Emergency Fund had been replenished by many friends like you in February and we were able to send it without delay.

But because we are getting requests daily– that fund won’t last much longer. That’s why your gift right now will go to work right away.

Click here to make a special gift right now. Or, if you like, you can send a check to FAME:
4545 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203

Either way, know that we are grateful, that the recipients of emergency medical supplies will be helped, and that you will be making a difference in the name of Jesus – our risen Lord and Savior!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

(Allison Foltz) PPE supplies sent to Riley Hospital, Indianapolis
Supplies sent to Franciscan Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
Supplies sent to first responders in Houston, TX
Supplies sent to first responders in Houston, TX

Look What You’ve Done Now!

You just received this Thank You from Africa.

“We are so thankful for YOU coming so quickly to our assistance. It is not a surprise, though, because that has been the path of our partnership with FAME over the years.

We have been able to buy several items of Personal Protective Equipment and screening tools. We bought 3 Infrared Thermometers, gum boots, protective gowns, spray chemicals and sprayer, masks and Gloves. Kindly pray with us for more funds for us to buy enough quantities of PPEs. We are unable to say how much they will definitely cost because the companies are profiteering. Last year the Infrared Thermometers went for $50 each. But yesterday we bought them at $400 each.”

Zindoga Bungu, Mashoko Hospital, Zimbabwe 

As we anticipate there will be a flood of requests and needs from our global partners, FAME has been able to respond appropriately at this point.  Thank you for your partnership and generosity. As a result of partners like you, FAME has a 50-year reputation of bringing help and hope to the world’s most vulnerable.

Because of your partnership, the Mission of FAME is on-point, on-track, and actually positioned for SUCH A TIME AS THIS.

Thank you for your faithfulness!


Bill Warren
Executive Director

A Battle on 2 Fronts – Preparing for a Flood of Requests

An unprecedented time- and YOU are making an impact!  Locally and Globally!

You’ll be glad to hear YOU, FAME and another global partner are impacting USA hospitals and our Global Partners- a battle on 2 Fronts.

In early February, as you probably remember, FAME supplied Christ Reaching Asia Mission (C.R.A.M.) and a few other missions with supplies for hardest-hit, China.  Now the need in China for masks and other Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) from the USA has diminished and other countries, including HERE AT HOME in the USA, are in dire need.

FAME supplied C.R.A.M. with a significant amount of PPE- but not all of it was shipped to China, so C.R.A.M. has partnered with us again!  But this time distributing masks and other PPE to Indianapolis Hospitals AND a hard-hit hospital in New York City!

Donation to Franciscan Hospital Indianapolis

Unprecedented- but the right thing to do!  We may be responding locally- but FAME exists for the global needs- with your help they will not go unmet!

Zimbabwe:  Yesterday FAME sent funds to the Mashoko Hospital for Personal Protection Equipment, which had been depleted!

Japan:  Yesterday, FAME mailed 1200 masks to a Mustard Seed Network Church plant in Japan for them to use and distribute!

As we begin to hear of the COVID-19 virus sweeping through countries where we have your FAME global partners- we expect a flood of requests for needed supplies.

First, if you or your family are facing a critical situation during these times please email Jeff Coon, jcoon@fameworld.org and we will, at minimum, pray for you at our 9:00 am daily staff prayer Video Call.  Additionally, if we can connect you with resources in your area; we will attempt to do so!

Second, if you can consider a gift to FAME during these uncertain times- it will make a difference in this battle on 2 fronts.  We are responding to the pressing needs we receive.  But we also have the plans to bring the good news and access to healthcare to the world’s most vulnerable.  There are even MORE who are vulnerable during this time, but your generosity has allowed God to use YOU and FAME to touch lives both here and around the world.

If you can consider a gift to FAME, please go to www.fameworld.org/give and give a gift AS NEEDED.  Or you can always mail a gift to our address below.  Most of our staff, for your safety and theirs, is working remotely, but our mail is being delivered and received!  Medical supply donations are being received at our warehouse -PPE only, just call 317-358-2480 to schedule a time!

* The PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) we are currently accepting includes, gloves, masks, gowns, face shields,eye shields & goggles. 

These are unprecedented times, but God was not surprised, and He may have your partnership with FAME for such a time as this!

Donation to  Ascension/St. Vincents Indianapolis
Donation to  Ascension/St. Vincents Indianapolis