Have you seen the movie The Sound of Freedom or at least know the message of the movie? My co-worker Jeff tells this story:
I was about to leave the FAME Partner Clinic and head to the airport in Tegucigalpa Honduras (the city where The Sound of Freedom begins) and 2 young women were speaking to Doctor Darwin, one of them carrying a cake pan. I could tell Darwin is trying to explain something to them, but they were insistent! So he brought them over and translated our conversation. “Please take this to everyone at FAME!”, the girl in the nursing scrubs insisted. “Doc. says you can’t take it on the plane, but can you please hold it carefully and take this to everyone at FAME and tell them THANK YOU?” I asked about the cake, and found out it was a Tres Leche cake she had made when she heard I was in Honduras.

I asked why do you want to thank FAME? Both girls had received Impact scholarships from FAME and had attended Nursing School. The girl who made the cake continued, “If I had not had the help from FAME and the FAME partner clinic I don’t….(she paused to hold back tears)…I don’t know where I would be right now”
I’ll let you consider the impact YOU have had on these girls and other young men and women like them around the world who have found help and hope to give them direction. She continued, “Now I can help girls like me because of your help. Please take this cake back to everyone and tell them Thank you!” I took the cake.
I would like to say, that Jeff did not bring me any of the cake, and I love Tres Leches Cake. But he did bring back the message. And that message is for YOU – You are FAME and you make it possible for a young girl in a dangerous city to have hope! The story is even deeper though, the Doctor, Dr. Darwin, is also a FAME scholarship recipient from many years ago and now leads the clinic and teaches at the University where the girls attended. He was 9 years old when the church in Honduras reached him for Jesus through Soccer and kept him on a straight path!
Your IMPACT IS SIGNIFICANT! THANK YOU! Go get yourself a piece of cake (Jeff didn’t save you any either) and remember your partnership with FAME brings help and hope to the world’s most vulnerable. Over 2 million people will have heard the gospel in 2023 because of you!
Thank you!
Bill Warren
Executive Director