February Prayer Calendar

Thank you so much for your continued support of the ministry of FAME through prayer. We find it a blessing to have you come alongside us each day praying for FAME staff, board members, mission partners, trip participants, scholarship recipients, volunteers, shipments of medical supplies, healthcare projects, church visits and other items of ministry.

This month we ask for prayers for a FAME mission trip that left on January 31 for Malawi to serve with Akonda Ministries through medical outreaches. Medical outreaches open doors for our Malawi hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team. Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed. Our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God in all that we do while serving in Malawi! Please pray for not only the team, but also the people they will be treating in the name of Christ.

We also ask for prayers for the FAME staff that give of their time and talents to further the ministry of FAME so that the world’s most vulnerable may be touched by the love of Christ through medical evangelism. Please pray that the Lord guides them as they serve.

Continue to pray as well for many of our faithful volunteers that serve the ministry. These people give of their time and talents so that people around the world can receive the medical care they need and can hear the Good News. FAME truly could not do all it does without the help of so many.

Lastly, please pray for Executive Director, Bill Warren as he travels to Asia to meet with FAME Partners in the Philippines and Thailand. He will be visiting some of the sustainable healthcare projects FAME was able to help fund through the support of so many of our faithful donors. We look forward to seeing how God will use these projects for His glory.

Blessings in the coming month.

February Prayer Calendar

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