Become part of a conduit of care to very appreciative healthcare providers in developing countries around the world. Volunteers help sort, pack, inventory donations, do office tasks, property maintenance and care, and faithfully do whatever it takes to get the job done. That’s what the serving is all about. To be a FAME volunteer, complete the form below or contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Tyler Lightholder at
Fill out my online form.

“As I reflect on the volunteer experiences I have here at FAME, the two words that come to my mind are: ‘serve’ and ‘joy’. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to serve our Lord and help so many who are in need around the world. We all are given gifts by God that can be used for His purpose & His glory in serving Him in numerous ways. Volunteers at FAME help to bring help and hope to others with the good news of Christ through medical evangelism.”
-Janet, FAME Volunteer