“…his heart went out to her…”

Leaders face a lot of questions and Jesus was no different. On one occasion an expert in the fine print details of the Law questioned Jesus. After Jesus’ return question the man answered to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…and Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus commended him, and then the expert asked, “Who is my neighbor?”

The political climate of Jesus’ day and the divided culture of ethnicity included a lot of hatred – so Jesus told the Story of the Samaritan who helped the man on the road to Jericho. But Jesus didn’t just define loving your neighbor in theory…he lived it! A number of times we can see him compelled to action to heal and care for others because of his love for them! In Luke 7 we have him come across a grieving mother and Luke records that “…his heart went out to her…” and then he raised her son from the dead in the middle of the funeral procession.

Your love is shown when you partner with FAME. I can honestly say, that just as Paul expressed in Corinthians, “The love of Christ compels us…” FAME also is compelled by the love of Christ, just as you are compelled by the love of Christ to partner with us.

One of your FAME partners reported that a mother and her children were all found in their home all with high fevers. The children were sleeping and very sick in bed with her when the dad and husband returned from working many hours walk away from them. He immediately ran many miles to the clinic and I’m glad to report that the response was one of love. The dad didn’t have to wait in line, schedule an appointment, wait for the scheduling department to call back with available appointments….. A nurse immediately traveled with the father bringing antibiotics with her and both children and mother had turned the corner by evening.

A simple medical solution – but only possible because of the love of Christ in the nurse at the FAME clinic. What I didn’t tell you is that the clinic was BUSY that day, but her heart went out to him! The love of Christ compels your FAME partners to do what they do.

Thank you for loving your neighbors when you partner with FAME. Because our global partners love neighbors on your behalf every day.

I’m grateful to serve in a ministry where your global partners’ hearts go out to people like Jesus!!!

I am thankful for your partnership!



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