Sometimes when it’s over, it’s over!
This was the year the Christmas tree didn’t quite make it to Christmas day. (Yes, those are the needles on the floor!) For many of us, we spend weeks, and some of you, months preparing for Christmas, but all-of-a-sudden, the 26th hits and it’s over!
The tree flies out the front door, the decorations head to the attic, the poinsettia goes to the compost pile (I know some of you still have kept one alive from 2010), and I probably should go ahead and throw away the tree lights since they won’t work next year anyhow!
So when Christmas is over for us, there is one thing that we at FAME have been grateful for year after year! The Spirit of Giving by so many never stops. Year-round generosity is common for SO MANY OF YOU!
Thank you for your spirit of Christmas, your spirit of giving that is year-round!
It’s a good thing because the needs of our global partners aren’t seasonal. Hunger, disease, illness, tragedies are year-round too!
In a rural mountain village, a young boy was attempting to cut down a tree to provide for the cooking fire for his family. A slip of the ax, and he was cut severely and bleeding dangerously. Just 2 years ago, this emergency would have been a life-threatening situation. But because of YOU, there is a small clinic within half-hour travel for him and his family. He was treated, protected from infection, and is on his way to perfect healing – again let me say, BECAUSE OF YOU, and your spirit of Christmas that is year-’round he is healing!
As you pack up Christmas this year. Thank you for not packing away your IMPACT through generosity!
Happy New Year and May God Bless you for your generosity!
Jeff Coon
Director of Development