July Prayer Calendar

Dear FAME Prayer Partner,

Thank you so much for your partnership with FAME through prayer. Your prayers are making an impact all around the world!

This month please join us in prayer for a medical mission team that will be going to Kenya in partnership with CMF. Please pray for the participants and the people they will be serving.

Pray also this month for many shipments we have going out to mission partners around the world. Pray that the supplies and equipment that are sent will be a light to those around the world who need help and hope and who have little or no access to healthcare. And pray also that they may feel the love of Christ in the care that they receive as those supplies are used.

Lastly, pray for many volunteer groups that will be serving at FAME this month in the FAME warehouse. We are so appreciative of all the faithful volunteers who come and serve.  We truly could not do all we do around the world without the help of so many.

With this being the month of July and a time on July 4 for celebration, I wanted to also share an article from Bibles for America (BFA) that gives some good insight on the 4th of July that we will be celebrating this month in the US and why it’s important. The author writes, While it’s important to be with family and friends on this day, it’s also good to reflect on why we’re celebrating. Our early forebears left England for the unfamiliar shores of America mainly because they were unhappy under the tyranny of religious persecution. Since those dawning years of our country, many others have migrated for the same reason. They gave up everything for the right to freely worship God here.

Among the many freedoms our country guarantees, what we as believers particularly hold dear is the right to worship God and to read His Word, the Bible, freely. In many countries on this earth, this freedom still does not exist.

This July 4th, as we watch fireworks and wave flags in celebration, may we also pause to reflect on our nation’s heritage. As the festivities end and the last trails of smoke glide across the summer night sky, take a moment to solemnly thank God for all that our freedom allows.

May God bless all the inhabitants of America with His salvation and the full knowledge of the truth in His Word.

Click here for the July Prayer Calendar

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