Road Closed!

Road Closed!

Here in Indiana, it’s probably because of Summer road construction. But recently, in Guatemala, a medical team was informed that the community they were planning to visit was not accessible- there was no way for a bus to go over the pass.

So last minute plans were made to go to a community to which they had never gone and had wanted to see if there was an open door for the gospel there. They report:

On our second clinic day, we headed to this new community. Two hours after we opened the door it was apparent why we were here. A little girl was carried into our clinic in a Hyperglycemic Crisis. I saw His intricate planning, and how He aligned everything months in advance for this moment. FAME ministries were a part of His plan. Because of your donations, we had the IV kits we needed to buy us time to get off this mountain and to the nearest hospital. Those fluid boluses helped us save this little girl’s life and we could not have done it without you. Our God deserves all the praise. I am so grateful that He used both of our ministries to not only save Little Hope but also to share the gospel with her entire family.







Those IV Kits being with the right team, in the right place, at the right time is Amazing!

  • They were donated by someone to FAME.
  • They were received, labeled, and entered into inventory by volunteers and staff at FAME.
  • They were listed on a request form from the partner.
  • They were pulled from the shelf, taken out of inventory, and prepared for delivery by volunteers.
  • They were packed and sent out with the team.
  • They flew with a team to Guatemala.
  • They were supposed to go to one community but went to another because of a Closed Road.
  • A life was saved and the gospel was shared.

All that timing is only possible because of God – but it is also because of YOU!

Thank you for your partnership!

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