September Prayer Calendar

Dear FAME Prayer Partner,

Thank you for your faithful partnership with the ministry of FAME through prayer. We are blessed to have you come alongside us in praying for those here in the U.S and those around the world.

This month we are excited to have a short-term team going back to Colombia to serve alongside
the ministry, La Costa, Colombia. The team will be hosting multiple medical outreaches in local cities and towns in and around Barranquilla, Colombia, including Santa Marta, and Buena Ventura to develop and support indigenous Christian ministries.

Medical outreaches open doors for our Colombian hosts to engage in personal relationships with those who come to receive treatment from our team.  Through those relationships, the good news of Jesus can be shared, and ultimately lives will be transformed.

Please pray for not only the trip participants that will be going, but also the leadership of La Costa Colombia, and the people the team will be treating in the name of Jesus.

Other items of prayer include many volunteer groups at FAME this month, some shipments going to DR Congo, Togo, and Ghana (shipping a 40’ container of medical supplies and equipment), and our FAME staff.

Lastly, I’d like to share some of a devotion I recently came across by Lysa TerKeurst, that really touched my heart on the importance of not only being in God’s Word, but how we should view the Word. She writes, How will we respond to the Word when it is presented to us? Will we be torn in our hearts and drawn to repentance and worship? Or will we remain prideful and resistant?

I believe our answers to these questions hinge on how we view God’s Word.

If we treat God’s Word simply as an ancient book with some good principles, we will read it and take from it what we want. But if we truly believe the Bible is the living Word of the one true and holy God, we won’t just read it — we’ll let it read us. Our key verse reminds us, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

If we will let it, Scripture can breathe fresh life into us, rearrange our wrong thinking, redirect our wayward heart tendencies and cause us to become more and more humble with each interaction.

Blessings in the coming month,

Click here for the September Prayer Calendar

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