To pay your application fee, make a payment on an upcoming trip, or if you would like to support a trip participant with a donation click here.

Payments and donations can also be mailed to:

4545 Southeastern Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46203

Medical missions teams are made up of both medical professionals and nonmedical team members. Usually medical teams are about 15 members and one third of them are typically medical professionals. Medical training or not, you can play an important part in God’s work. Doctors, nurses, dentists and other medical professionals play an obvious role on medical teams but so do electricians, teachers, business people, pastors, stay-at-home moms and anybody else with a heart for Christ are needed just as much. They are critical to the overall team.

Upcoming Short-Term Trips

March 8-15, 2025 Estimated cost: $1,720 Host: World Wide Hispanic Outreach - Drs. Esly and Sandy Fuentes Come join us ...
April 5-12, 2025 (**to be filled by E. 91st Street Christian Church Only) Estimated cost: $1,660 Host: World Wide Hispanic ...
May 10 – 22, 2025 Estimated Trip Cost: $2,900 Trip Host:  Charles Selby Memorial Hospital staff Come join us as ...
May 9-17, 2025 (**to be filled by Corban University Students only ) Estimated Cost - $1960 Host Mission:  His Eyes, ...
July 5-12, 2025 (**to be filled by Fair Haven Christian Church ) Estimated Cost - $2,400 Host Mission:  His Eyes, Tegucigalpa, ...
August 2-9, 2025 (*To be filled by Milligan’s P.A. Program only) Estimated Trip Cost : $2,370 Host Mission:  La Costa ...

FAME Short-Term Trips FAQs

Yes. Each potential participant must complete and submit the following:

1. FAME trip application: Online or Print & Mail
2. $50 non-refundable deposit – goes towards total trip costs

No. However, the longer you wait to apply, the higher airline tickets will be and those costs are passed on to the trip participant.

Airfare, housing, food, transportation in country, travel insurance and administrative fees.
It does not include: cost of a passport, immunizations, food that is purchased stateside and/or souvenirs.
NOTE: Total cost of the trip can vary depending on airfare to and from your departure city.

No. If a participant backs out of a trip, the money can be designated toward a future short-term trip with FAME or as a gift made to the ministry of FAME.