Traveled afar like the Wisemen- Characters of Christmas

They traveled “afar”
2 hours
3 hours
8 hours
11 hours

What do these all have in common? These are the travel times walking that I have been told recently about people to reach a FAME partner clinic. Before a FAME clinic, or where one is needed the number of hours is higher and sometimes just as many hours driving!

The wisemen who arrived After Jesus was born in Bethlehem followed what they knew. And they found Jesus.

Because of you, every day people “travel afar” seeking what they know they need and they find Jesus!

Timon just wanted to find out what was wrong with his mother. She had been ill for many weeks and no traditional remedies or treatments by ‘practitioners’ in their village were improving her condition. So he packed supplies, and was able to put his mother in a 2 wheel cart that was pulled by his motorcycle.
He drove her the rough (terribly rough) journey for 4 hours to a 24/7 clinic staffed by a nurse who had received a FAME scholarship!

The first good news is that antibiotic and fluids were all she needed for treatment, and the second good news is that because she needed to stay overnight a couple of nights she and Timon heard the GOOD NEWS. Most of your FAME partner clinics are connected to local churches which have been started through medical evangelism. Timon was waiting for his mom and so he was outside of the church and clinic on Sunday morning. People arrived and were kind to him. He remained outside though, but as the service began he was drawn to listen. Next thing Timon knew he was drawn (like the wisemen following the star) into the building.

May I jump to the conclusion that you see coming? Timon and his mom came to the clinic seeking treatment, and they found the true CURE also!

They came seeking one thing and found Jesus!

That’s because of you! As you celebrate the gift of Jesus to the world, could you consider one last gift of the year to help people like Timon and his mom who travel afar to find treatment, but also find the cure in Jesus?

Thank you for your partnership and the opportunity to impact thousands every day around the world with the good news of great joy that is for all people!

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