Trip to the Hospital Worse Than the Initial Injury

Typhoon Odette hit the Philippines in December of 2021 destroying the homes of 12 million people and becoming the second costliest typhoon in Philippine History. Obviously, homes were only part of the destruction, as community services, structures, and infrastructure were also destroyed.

On the island of Bohol, the Village of Hope Orphanage had begun construction on a clinic prior to Typhoon Odette. While this remote area did have a government health center, the orphanage saw an opportunity not only to provide healthcare for their children but also to share the good news of Jesus with the community.

Both the government Barangay Health Center and the construction of the Village of Hope clinic were damaged in the typhoon. As a result, the orphanage and the community were left without access to healthcare, except for a two to three-hour trip, depending on road conditions and mountainous terrain!

Edlyn, the brother of an orphanage volunteer, had suffered a life-threatening injury and was unconscious, rapidly losing blood. It was very late at night when a friend threw Edlyn over the back of his motorcycle, successfully taking him to the hospital three hours away.

Unknown to the friend driving the motorcycle, unconscious Edlyn’s bare feet were dragging the ground for the full three-hour drive, and upon arrival at the Emergency room the situation was even more serious than before.

THIS LACK OF ACCESS TO HEALTHCARE is exactly why you are such an important partner to FAME. No one should be so far from care that the journey is worse than the initial injury.

The Village of Hope Clinic is going to be rebuilt in a couple of phases! The need is even greater than before the Typhoon because the government has no plans to rebuild the Health Center. This clinic will become a beacon of hope for the orphans and will remain sustainable by providing essential services to the community. The FAME “Yes!” Fund will be sending funds for Phase One soon, which will grant access to treatment and THE cure!

You will be glad to know that even though Edlyn did lose some toes, he didn’t lose his life. Your FAME partner reports:
Our staff was able to join the volunteer in visiting Edlyn (her brother) in the hospital. The incident opened the door to several important spiritual conversations. Edlyn still struggles with the idea of forgiveness and grace, but several good conversations have since happened. He seems several steps closer to the cross than he was before. His children, however, have since fallen in love with Jesus.

You can see how important your partnership is to people like Edlyn.

You can see how important FAME’s partnerships with our global partners is to people like Edlyn and his children!

I am so thankful for you and for the way the “Yes! Fund” is continually being funded to meet needs and requests like the Village of Hope Clinic.

Thank you for your partnership!

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