Where Jesus Goes….

601,994.713 Square miles. That is the area of the largest state in Brazil… Amazonas (for reference Texas is 268,820 Square miles). Within this vast area lies the intricate Amazon River system, home to over 32,000 villages accessible only by boat!

One of your FAME partners in Brazil, Central Brazil Mission (CBM) has been traveling BY BOAT from village to village for years, taking the gospel through medical evangelism one village at a time.

CBM’s three-story medical boat, equipped with Exam rooms, Dental suites, a Pharmacy, and housing, travels the Amazon, stopping at villages to treat people in the name of Jesus. People arrive in small boats from nearby settlements and villages to receive treatment and hear the gospel. The team reports, “After providing medical and dental care, we close out the visit with a worship service in the village before we leave. Most of the time, our visit leads to an invitation to return and, ultimately, to the establishment of a new church in the village.” Over 50 churches have been established since 1969 in many of the 70 villages that are their ministry focus.

Earl and Ruth Anne Haubner

Amazing regional impact has occurred. Earl Haubner, the founder of CBM, said last week, “Where Jesus goes, everything gets better.” He continued, “We have observed that where the Gospel is preached, life in the whole village gets better. In fact, village leaders have thanked us for bringing Jesus to their villages. In addition to new-found hope through Christ, the people have a better life through better medical care and nutrition and the whole village benefits from the presence of the church and from the local missionary.”

Your partnership with FAME makes this happen, as FAME supports global partners so that Where Jesus goes, everything gets better!


Bill Warren
Executive Director


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