Without getting into the weeds…

Without getting into the weeds of varying opinions, FAME has recently received requests for emergency assistance from some of our partners.

Let me give you a little background on FAME’s response.

As you probably know, FAME is committed to making sustainable decisions and engaging in activities that foster long-term impact. What that means is that every funding decision FAME makes to help our global partners is done in a way that avoids creating dependency on FAME. And success story after success story can be told of global partners who are now independent and fully run by nationals. FAME grants are designed to accelerate a global partner’s ability to spread the gospel through medical evangelism.

Recently, some government decisions on a global level have had an immediate impact on the availability of medical supplies for some of our partners. Others may face long-term challenges if funding approvals are not renewed in the future.

Additionally, I just returned from the South Pacific, where one dear global partner experienced a devastating fire in their community that injured hundreds of people. Medical supplies were desperately needed in the aftermath.

Both of these crisis situations were opportunities for FAME to respond through our emergency fund. Praise God for the hard work of all our global partners as they build sustainable ministries. At the same time, we praise God for generous people like you who keep FAME in a financial position to respond when emergencies arise.

If you’d like to give to the Yes! Fund to help with emergency needs, you can make a note of that with any gift you give, whether online or through the mail.

Thank you for your generous partnership, which opens doors to the world’s most vulnerable through medical evangelism.

Bill Warren
Executive Director

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